Reference Books F-J

Author Title Published In Print Location Comment
Fernyhough, T. Military Memoirs of Four Brothers William Sams, 1829 Yes [Spellmount] Home Memoirs of Thomas (60th, 40th), John (Marines), Henry (Marines) and Robert (Marines, 95th) Fernyhough compiled by Thomas (the only survivor).
Fitchett, WH How England Saved Europe: The Story of the Great War (1793-1815) Vol 1 Smith Elder & Co, 1899 No Home A somewhat parochial history of the revolutionary and Napoleonic wars, at the time still known as "The Great War". From the Low Countries to Egypt.
Fitchett, WH How England Saved Europe: The Story of the Great War (1793-1815) Vol 3 Smith Elder & Co, 1900 No Home Covers the Peninsular War
Fitchett, WH How England Saved Europe: The Story of the Great War (1793-1815) Vol 4 Smith Elder & Co, 1899 No Home From the fall of San Sebastion to Waterloo
Fitchett, WH Wellington's Men George Bell & Sons, London, 1900 No FR 942.073 F Contains condensations of:
Kincaid: Adventures in the Rifle Brigade
Harris: Recollections of Rifleman Harris
Anton: Retrospective of a Military Life
Mercer: Journal of the Waterloo Campaign
Fletcher, I Badajoz 1812 Osprey, 1999 Yes Home Fletcher's trilogy on the 1812-1-13 campaigns. Covers Ciudad Rodrigo to the aftermath of Vittoria.
Fletcher, I Salamanca 1812 Osprey, 1997 Yes Home
Fletcher, I Vittoria 1813 Osprey, 1998 Yes Home
Fletcher, I Voices from the Peninsular Greenhill, 2001 Yes Home Good selections from original sources, but the linking narrative is a bit slapdash from someone of Fletcher's calibre, and the editor was careless (to put it nicely).
Fletcher, I The Lines of Torres Vedras 1809-11 Osprey, 2003 Yes Home Design, construction, Massena's invasion
Fletcher, I Fortresses of the Peninsular War 1808-14 Osprey, 2003 Yes Home Only covers those attacked by the British!
Fortescue, JW A History of the British Army V 7 Macmillan & Co 1912 No 942/106 v.7 Covers all operations in the period plus looks at the influence of home politics on the operations. Superb maps (in seperate volumes)!
Vol 7: 1809-10 (inc. the Walcheren Exp and Tarifa)
Vol 8: 1811-1812 (Mainly Spain, start of the American War)
Fortescue, JW A History of the British Army V 7 (Maps) Macmillan & Co 1912 No 942/106 s01/2
Fortescue, JW A History of the British Army V 8 Macmillan & Co 1917 No 942/106 v.8
Fortescue, JW A History of the British Army V 8 (Maps) Macmillan & Co 1917 No 942/106 s01/3
Fortescue, JW A History of the British Army V 9 & 10 (Maps) Macmillan & Co 1920 No 942/106 s01/4
Fosten, B Wellington's Infantry 1 Osprey 1981 Yes Home The line regiments of the British Army
Fosten, B Wellington's Infantry 2 Osprey 1982 Yes Home Light regiments, especially the Rifles
Fraser, E The Soldiers Whom Wellington Led Methuen, London, 1913 No FR 946.06 F Quite good descriptions of some campaigns. Tales of exploring officers including John Waters and Colquhoun Grant.
Fremont-Barnes, G The Napoleonic Wars: The Peninsular War 1807-1814 Osprey 2002 No Home Brief overview, one of Osprey's "Essential Histories" series
Author Title Published In Print Location Comment
Gates, D The British Light Infantry Arm, c. 1790-1815 Batsford, 1987 No Home Very interesting book on how light infantry developed in the British Army. Good study of the sources of the training.
Gates, D The Spanish Ulcer: A History of the Peninsular War Allen & Unwin, 1986 Yes [Pimlico, 2001] Home Aims to be less anglo-centric than other recent volumes.
Gates, D The Napoleonic Wars 1803-1815 Arnold, 1997 Yes [Pimlico, 2003] Home After Gates' characteristic introductory blast at fellow historians, settles down to become a readable overview of the Napoleonic era, setting the campaigns in their socio-economic surroundings.
Glover, M Wellington as Military Commander Batsford 1968 Yes [Penguin] Home Excellent description of the structure of the British Army
Glover, M The Peninsular War 1807-1814
A Concise Military History
David & Charles 1974 Yes [Penguin] Home The emphasis is on Wellington's campaigns: very informative appendices
Glover, M Wellington's Army David & Charles 1977 No FR355.00941/11 As with Oman, so with Glover - research into the war spawned a mass of information on the army. Not an attempt to replace Oman's work, but to update areas where research has moved forward, V. Good.
Glover, R Peninsular Preparation Cambridge, 1963 Yes [?] FR355.0942/41 Excellent study of the way in which the British army changed from 1793 to 1809 under the guidance of the Duke of York.
Grattan, W. Adventures with the Connaught Rangers: 1809-1814 1902 Yes [Greenhill] Home One of Picton's regiments
Grehan, J The Lines of Torres Vedras Spellmount 2000 Yes Home Not much about the engineering, more about the strategic and political implications.
Guedalla, P The Duke World Books, 1940 (FP 1931) Yes [Wordsworth Military Library] FR 942.07 WEL, Home Good, if old and slightly jingoistic, bio, well written, interested in formative influences

Hamilton's 'Annals of the Peninsular War', published 1829, signed by the author.

Hamilton, T (published anon) Annals of the Peninsular Campaigns v1 Blackwood, Edinburgh 1829 No FR 946.06 H An early history by an old soldier of the 29th, who landed at the Mondego with Wellington, and left with his regiment after Albuerra. Interesting for the descriptions of the battles in which he took part.
Hamilton, T (published anon) Annals of the Peninsular Campaigns v2 Blackwood, Edinburgh 1829 No FR 946.06 H
Hamilton, T (published anon) Annals of the Peninsular Campaigns v3 Blackwood, Edinburgh 1829 No FR 946.06 H
Hamilton Smith, C & Haythornthwaite, PJ Wellington's Army: The Uniforms of the British Soldier, 1812-1815 Greenhill Books, 2002 Yes [] Home Drool... Contemporary prints by CHS with modern commentary by PJH - worth every dollar!
Harris, B (Ed Hibbert) The Recollections of Rifleman Harris Yes [Windrush Press] FR 940.270924/6 (missing) Home A rifleman under Moore and at Walcheren. A top ranker.
Harvey, B The Rifle Brigade Leo Cooper, London,1975 No [Old stock only] FR 356.110941/6, Home Very brief history, with commensurately small section on the Napoleonic era.
Haswell, CJD ("Jock") Spies and Spymasters: A concise history of intelligence Thames and Hudson, 1977 No FR 327.1209/3 Good chapter on Wellington's intelligence service
Hattersley, R Nelson Weidenfeld & Nicholson, 1974 No Home Illustrated Bio
Haythornthwaite, P Napoleon's Line Infantry Osprey 1983 Yes Home A Brief summary of a very complex subject.
Haythornthwaite, P Napoleon's Light Infantry Osprey 1983 Yes Home The "Legers" rather than the "Lignes"
Haythornthwaite, P Weapons & Equipment of the Napoleonic Wars Arms & Armour 1996 Yes Home Excellent!
Haythornthwaite, PJ Napoleon's Military Machine Spellmount 1988 Yes Home Another good book from PJH
Haythornthwaite, P Corunna 1809 Osprey 2001 Yes Home
Haythornthwaite, P British Rifleman, 1797-1815 Osprey 2002 Yes Home Looks at the origins, and the extent to which rifles were issued in the British Army, plus what they did and the ambivalent attitude (even amongst themselves) towards sniping.
Hibbert, C Corunna Batsford 1961; Pan 1967 Yes [Wordsworth Military Library, Windrush] FR 940.27/79, Home Good with maps and units involved
Hibbert, C Wellington, A Personal History Harper Collins, 1997 Yes Home The emphasis is on the man, not the commander
Hofschroer, P Lutzen & Bautzen 1813 Osprey 2001 Yes Home Hofschroer's pigeon pair on the 1813 German campaign, looks at L&B where Napoleon came close to regaining his empire and why Leipzig is really Napoleon's Waterloo :-)
Hofschroer, P Leipzig 1813 Osprey 1993 Yes Home
Hollins, D Marengo 1800 Osprey Yes Home What really happened (not Napoleon's myth)
Horne, A How Far from Austerlitz St Martin's Griffin, 1998 Yes Borrowed Uneven mix of seemingly good, in-depth analysis, rehashed mythology and downright historical error! I expected more from Horne.
Howarth, D Waterloo: A Near Run Thing Collins 1968; Fontana 1972 Yes [Windrush] FR 940.27/82, Home Not a description of the battle, more what it was like to be a soldier in it.
Holmes, R Redcoat Harper Collins 2001 Yes [] Home British soldiers from c.1760 to the Crimean War
Holmes, R Wellington: The Iron Duke Harper Collins 2003 Yes [] Home Companion to the TV series, an analysis of Wellington's character and abilities.
Hughes, BP Firepower: Weapons effectiveness on the battlefield, 1630-1850 Arms & Armour, 1974 Yes [Spellmount/Sarpedon] FR 355.820903/1, Home An artilleryman's view of longarms! I picked this up, cheap, in a marvellous bookshop in Houston.
Johnson, P. Napoleon Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 2002 Yes [Phoenix] Home Definitely not an admirer of Napoleon's ethics.
Jones, JT Journal of Sieges carried on by The Army under the Duke of Wellington in Spain ... Volume 3 John Weale, 1846 No FR942.073/J This is the later edition, which includes (in this volume) the description of the "Lines", plus his memorandum on how to blow up Roman bridges!

Images courtesy of Orion Books.

PJ Haythornthwaite: Weapons and Equipment of the Napoleonic Wars. Arms & Armour 1996. Image courtesy of Orion Books. Go to A-E
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