Reference Books A-E

Author Title Published In Print Location Comment
Anonymous (Ed Hibbert, C) A Soldier of the Seventy First Edinburgh, 1819 Yes [Windrush Press] FR 940.270924/5, Home A man of education in the ranks. Bit of a whinger.
Anonymous Memorials of the Late War, Vols 1 & 2 (part of "Constable's Miscellany") Constable, Edinburgh, 1831 Some parts are FR 940.8 MEM 1. A soldier of the 71st
2. Neale's Spanish Campaign
3. Hope's Corunna Despatch
4. Malcolm's Reminiscences
5. De Rocca's War in Spain
6. Narrative of Waterloo
7. Death of Napoleon
Anonymous Rules and Articles for the Better Government of All His Majesty's Forces Eyre & Strahan, London, 1807 No Home The Articles of War! Thanks Sol
Anonymous An Act for Punishing Mutiny and Desertion and for the Better Payment of the Army and their Quarters Eyre & Strahan, London, 1807 No Home A nice mix. Thanks Sol
Anonymous Atlas of the Peninsular War: 1808-1814 Worley Press, 2000 Yes Home A collection of old maps, French, British, Spanish, Portuguese. Notes on the origins would be helpful.
Asprey, R. The Rise and Fall of Napoleon Bonaparte, 1 - The Rise Little, Brown & Co, 2000 Yes [Abacus] Home The latest, disappointingly superficial. Strangely, his grasp of the niceties of military affairs seems limited.
Asprey, R. The Rise and Fall of Napoleon Bonaparte, 2 - The Fall Little, Brown & Co, 2001 Yes [Abacus] Home
Barber, Capt. Instructions for the Formation and Exercise of Volunteer Sharp-Shooters Egerton, 1804 No Home This was obviously Johnny Kincaid's bible when it came to skirmishing and outpost work. Thanks, Sol
Barthorp, M & Hook, R Wellington's Generals Osprey Publishing 1978 No, Copies may still be available FR 355.3320922/2/1, Home Good, though brief, coverage
Becke, AF Napoleon and Waterloo Kegan Paul etc, London, 1939 Yes [Greenhill] FR 940.8B Thorough
Blackmore, HL British Military Firearms: 1650-1850 Herbert Jenkins, London, 1961 No Home Basically the story of flintlock firearms (though it covers matchlocks at the start and percussion locks at the end). Pays to know a bit about locks before you start.
Bluth, BJ Marching with Sharpe Harper Collins, 2001 Yes Home A Look at life in the British Army during the Napoleonic Wars, quoting original sources, and using pictures of modern re-enactors - fun for the enthusiast.
Brack, F. de Light Cavalry Out-Posts W. Mitchell & Co, 1876 Yes [Ken Trotman] Home Translation from the 5th Ed by Tweeddale, Hale & Hobson. Modern edition published with Manningham's Lectures.
Bryant, A Jackets of Green Collins, 1972 No Home Includes extracts from Rifle Regs, and Manningham's lectures
Bryant, A The Years of Endurance: 1793-1802 Collins, 1942, 1975 ?Yes [House of Stratus] FR 940.27/19, Home British history of the Revolutionary and Napoleonic War periods. Covers the political situation in Britain and its influence on military operations. Bryant's jingoistic attitude is dated, but his ideas on the interaction of political, social, economic and military events is instructive
Bryant, A The Years of Victory: 1802-1812 Collins, 1945 ?Yes [House of Stratus] FR 942.073/94/1, Home
Bryant, A The Age of Elegance: 1812-1822 Collins, 1950, 1975 Yes [House of Stratus] FR 940.27/15, Home
Bukhari, E Napoleon's Marshals Osprey Books 1979 Yes Home Very brief overview with nice illustrations.

"Rifles at Waterloo" by Caldwell and Cooper. Bugle Horn Press, 1995. Image used without permission.

Caldwell, G & Cooper, R Rifles at Waterloo Bugle Horn Pubs 1995 Yes Home A brief description of what the rifles did at Waterloo
Castle, I Eggmuhl 1809 Osprey Books 1998 Yes Home The second book written of a pair on the 1809 campaign
Castle, I Aspern & Wagram 1809 Osprey Books 1994 Yes Home The first of a pair on the later battles of the 1809 campaign
Chandler, DG Austerlitz 1805 Osprey Books, 1990 Yes Home Background and good maps
Chandler, DG Jena 1806 Osprey Books, 1993 Yes Home Typical solid material in the "Campaign" series
Chandler, D Waterloo: The Hundred Days Osprey, 1980 Yes Home More detailed than Wootton. Good maps
Chandler, D Dictionary of the Napoleonic Wars Simon & Schuster, 1993 Yes [Wordsworth Military Library] Home Errata: Only one entry for Cathcart, should be two at least
Chandler, D The Campaigns of Napoleon Macmillan, 1966 Yes [Weidenfeld & Nicolson] Home VERY good
Chandler, D (Ed) Napoleon's Marshals Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1987 Yes [Cassell & Co, 2000] Home Interesting and well written analysis of the marshalate, including the original lecture which sparked the book. Chandler strikes me as being one of the few historians who are geniunely open minded and readable.
Chandler, DG On The Napoleonic Wars Greenhill Books 1999 Yes Home Interesting essays on a number of aspects, including why Britain got involved in the wars at all!
Chappell, M The King's German Legion (I) 1803-1812 Osprey 2000 Yes Home One of a very few works dedicated to this part of the British army.
Chappell, M The King's German Legion (II) 1812-1816 Osprey 2001 Yes Home
Author Title Published In Print Location Comment
Chartrand, R The Portuguese Army of the Napoleonic Wars (1) Osprey 2000 Yes Home The best work in English on the Portuguese Troops. Well beyond Pivka.
Chartrand, R The Portuguese Army of the Napoleonic Wars (2) Osprey 2000 Yes Home
Chartrand, R The Portuguese Army of the Napoleonic Wars (3) Osprey 2001 Yes Home
Chartrand, R Vimeiro 1808 Osprey 2001 Yes Home
Chartrand, R Bussaco 1810 Osprey 2001 Yes Home These two form a set covering Massena's invasion.
Chartrand, R Fuentes de Oñoro Osprey 2002 Yes Home
Chester, D The Fighting Simmons's of Beverley Privately published (Date?) Yes HomeBrief summary of the careers of all three brothers
Connolly, S Encyclopaedia of Rifles and Handguns Fairmount Books, 1997 Yes Home Nice diagrams, but not a lot on flintlocks
Cooper, JS Rough Notes of Seven Campaigns: 1809-1815 1869 Yes [Spellmount] Home A sergeant in the 7th
Cope, WH The History of the Rifle Brigade Chatto & Windus, 1877 Yes [Naval & Military Press] Home Semi-official history of the regiment. Waterloo is about half-way through the book.
Costello, E (Ed. Brett-James, A) Edward Costello: The Peninsular and Waterloo Campaigns Longmans, 1967 (Colburn & Co, 1852) No Home Slightly edited version of the 1788-1818 section of Costello's Adventures of a Soldier, written by himself
Croker, JW
(Ed Pool, B)
The Croker Papers: 1808-1857 Edited Edition: Batsford, 1967 No FR942.07/2 Edited highlights from Croker's diary and letters, including the famous quote from AW. First published 1886.
Cronin, V Napoleon Collins, 1971, Pelican, 1973 No Home Detailed biography. Cronin is a devotee, but knows how to make his work readable.
Cumpston, JHL Thomas Mitchell, Surveyor General and Explorer Oxford, 1955 No Home Biography of Thomas Mitchell, the Rifleman who became surveyor general of NSW
Dobbs, J. Recollections of an Old 52nd Man 2nd Ed, John Palmer, 1863 Yes [Spellmount] Home Light Division Biography of nearly entire war. Post-Napier with a bit of "He dun us wrong"ing at times.
Donaldson, J Recollections of the Eventful Life of a Soldier 1827-9 (collected edition, Martin, Edinburgh, 1852) Yes [Spellmount] Home Another Scots lad who ran away to be a soldier, much to his parents' grief.
Elliot-Wright, P Rifleman Military Illustrated, 2000 No Home A look at the origins of the 5/60th & 95th, their training and their actions in war.
Esdaile, C. The Peninsular War: A New History Penguin Allen Lane, 2002 Yes [] Home Aims to put the war into its political, social and economic context. Very good, readable and informative!

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