THE Writer's parentage and education - Attempts the Stage, and fails - Joins a recruiting party, and sails for the Isle of Wight - Adventure there. SAILS for South America - Arrival at Madeira - Arrival at the Cape of Good Hope, and Account of Cape Town - Arrival at the River La Plata - Situation of the English Army - Battle of Monte Video - Account of the Inhabitants - Introduced to a Spanish priest. ARRIVAL of General Whitelock with reinforcements - Departure for Buenos Ayres - Attack of the Town - Unfortunate result - Anecdote of a Sergeant - Generous behaviour of the Spanish priest. ARRIVAL at Cork - Correspondence with his brother - Sails for Portugal, with an expedition under Sir Arthur Wellesley - Battle of Roleia - Description of Vimeira - Battle of Vimeira - Behaviour of the peasants after the battle. MARCHED to Escurial - Retreat to Salamanca - Disappointment of our soldiers at not being allowed to attack the enemy. COMMENCEMENT of the retreat to Corunna - Indignant feelings of the soldiers - Duke of Ossuna's Palace at Benevente much destroyed - Skirmish at Benevente - Arrival at Astorga, and account of the situation of General Romana's army. SUFFERINGS of the army between Astorga and Villa Franca - Cruelty of the French - March from Villa Franca to Castro - March to Lugo - Bravery of the stragglers - Affecting occurrence - Skirmishes at Lugo - Relaxed state of discipline, and its consequences. ARRIVAL at Corunna - Destruction of our horses on the beach - Battle of Corunna - Noble conduct of the Spaniards - Arrival in England, and kindness of the people - Sails with the expedition to Walcheren - Description of the bombardment of Flushing -Sally under Colonel Pack into one of the enemy's batteries - Takes the fever, and is sent back to England - Melancholy Discovery at the hospital. SAILS for the Peninsula - Description of Lisbon - Joins the army at Sabral - Actions at Sabral - Retires behind the British lines - Retreat of the French to Santarem - Their atrocities on the way - Mortifying discovery in a wine store - Retreat of the French to the Aguida. BATTLE of Fuentes de Honore - Contrast between the French and British soldiers when advancing to charge - Distressing march to Albuera - Pursuit of General Girard - Surprise and total rout of his army. MARCH to Almarez - Storming of Fort Almarez - Retreat from Burgos - Skirmishes, &c. at Alba Tormes - ludicrous incident there. GOES into winter quarters at Boho - Manners of the Spanish peasants - Adventure in a churchyard - Description of the Fandango - Departure from Boho. BATTLE of Vittoria - Arrival before Pamplona - Skirmish in front of Maya - Battles in the Pyrenees - Battle before Pamplona - Sufferings of our army on the heights - Crosses the Nive - Battle of Bayonne - Severe fighting before Aris. BATTLE of Toulouse - Remarkable occurrence - Returns to Ireland - Embarked for North America - Returns to England - Sails for Antwerp - Marched to Leuse - Arrival at Waterloo. BATTLE of Waterloo - March to Paris - Anecdotes there - Gets his discharge, and returns to Scotland - Conclusion.
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Last update 13/7/02