Electronic Texts

Being on the staff of the University of Sydney, I have access to a marvellous collection of books. Many of these are quite old and in the public domain. I used to photocopy chunks of them for my files, but since I have a scanner, I decided to try and save a few trees by OCRing* them instead. Having scanned them, the best way to access the electronic format is to set them up as web pages. Since I have them in web format, I might as well share them on my page! I'm working on another French memoir, plus Neale's and Malcolm's memoirs.

* OCR = Optical Character Recognition (for the computer uncertain).

The Memoirs of a Soldier of the 71st, the 1831 edition.
The Spanish Campaign of 1808 by Adam Neale, 1831 edition.
Sir John Hope's Corunna Despatch, with Baird's covering letter and Horse Guard's General Order in Response, as published in 1831.
A Campaign in the Pyrenees and South of France in 1814, by John Malcolm, as published in 1831
Rocca's "War in Spain", 1831 translation.
Campaigns of Captain Marcel, published 1913, en Francais with some bits translated by yours truly.

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Last update 09/4/03