A Rifleman of the 95th Rifles (from a drill manual). Image courtesy of the RGJ Association.

9 Oct 3 Cos 2/95 (Maj Gardner, H. Smith Adj) join expedition to Monte Video under Gen Auchmuty
24 Oct 5 Cos 1/95 (Maj McLeod) embark for the "Remote Expedition" (Gen Whitelocke) as part of Robert Craufurd's Brigade.
1807 16 Jan Auchmuty's expedition lands near Monte Video
19 Jan Advance on Monte Video
20 Jan Garrison of Monte Video attack the British, beaten back to walls of fort. Start of siege of Monte Video
3 Feb Assault on and capture of Monte Video
Mar-Apr Outposts established up river at Colonia del Sacramento (opposite Buenos Aires)
May-Jun Spanish force from Buenos Aires (Gen Elio) cross the river and attack Colonia. Scott and his Rifle guard hold them off until the garrison falls in and repulses the attack. The Spanish retire (?up river) to San Pedro
6-7 Jun Col Pack leads an attack on San Pedro (95th, Light Cos + 40th) & carries the position. Major Gardner seriously wounded when the Spanish ammunition dump explodes prematurely.
Jun Whitelocke's expedition arrives (5 Cos 1/95, Maj McLeod, H. Smith retained as adjutant)
17 Jun Army embarks for assault on Buenos Aires.
28 Jun Landing at Buenos Aires. Rifle form part of "Light Brigade" under R Craufurd, part of Leveson-Gower's division.
29 Jun Leveson-Gower disobeys orders to advance to Spanish piquet line and advances into suburbs. The division makes good progress until L-G panics and stops the advance, leaving the division exposed to counter attack.
5 Jul Assault on Buenos Aires. Disastrous failure due to makeshift defenses put up as a result of L-Gs premature attack. Craufurd's brigade suffers heavily, takes shelter in a church and eventually forced to surrender.
Jul Whitelocke negotiates the British withdrawal
12 Jul Lumley's division (H Smith) sails from Monte Video
5 Nov H. Smith's transport is towed into Falmouth. Rest of fleet arrive around this time
1808 Jan Sth American Force disembarks at the Downs

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Last update 13/2/03