Once again, these are the books I haven't read - my reading list. There aren't many fictional series about the Napoleonic Wars in English as far as I know, which is why I've read more factual books about the military side of things. If you know of any more, please email me.

Allan Mallinson

A military series which starts at the Battle of Waterloo! Matthew Hervey is a cornet in the 6th Light Dragoons (a fictional regiment). Written by a serving officer with an interest in history, the series is quite accurate, though he does make the mistake of making a commission a heritable asset.

Flashman, ©1983 George Macdonald Fraser. Image: Harper Collins 1994, courtesy of Harper Collins Publishers Ltd.HARRY FLASHMAN: VICTORIAN CAD AND ACCIDENTAL HERO
George MacDonald Fraser

If we go forward in time we get to some more rollicking tales particularly the Flashman series. Based upon a minor character in the classic "Tom Brown's Schooldays", Fraser has built an entire series satirising Victorian imperialism. (Image courtesy of Harper Collins.)

  1. Flashman
  2. Royal Flash
  3. Flashman's Lady
  4. Flashman and the Mountain of Light
  5. Flash For Freedom!
  6. Flashman and the Redskins
  7. Flashman at the Charge
  8. Flashman in the Great Game
  9. Flashman and the Angel of the Lord
  10. Flashman and the Dragon
  11. Flashman and the Tiger
  12. Flashman on the March

Garry Douglas Kilworth

This series is set in the Crimean War about which I know very little. Quite good fun:

Anthony Conway

Set in the inter-war years of the 20th Century, probably a bit late for readers of my site:

Well, if I ever get sick of the Peninsular War, there's plenty more to read! The cover image of "Flashman" is used courtesy of Harper Collins Publishers Ltd

Images on this page are used by kind permission of Harper Collins Publishers Ltd.

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Last update 16/11/05