This section arose from research I did for a bit of Sharpe fan fiction. I needed to know what books the 95th Rifles could have had in their regimental library. I must confess that personally I have not even managed to locate any of these, let alone read them though Sol has kindly given me photocopies of a number of them, including Coote Manningham's "Regulations" and Barber's "Instructions".
At the start of the Revolutionary/Napoleonic era most of the military works traced their theory back to the time of Frederick the Great of Prussia and Marlborough, a time when Europe was composed of many vast open plains and "Grande Guerre" between massive, massed armies was the way to go. In the interim the population had exploded, the countryside had changed - the plains cut up by enclosing hedges - and the old rules didn't always apply. In France the old "Grande Guerre" army had been destroyed by the Revolution, and a new army suddenly had to be formed. Britain had fought a number of wars in North America (and elsewhere) which were decidedly un-Grande, and the military had yet to work out the consequences, leaving her army in limbo. In Europe, though, Prussia and Austria still clung to the old system.
Most of Britain's serious soldiers in the late C18th went to Germany or France for their education, and this is where most of the military treatises of the time originated. David Dundas owed much to the Germans and Austrians, though he refined their systems for his "Principles". The flurry of titles after the Duke of York's appointment as Commander-in-Chief is indicative of the regeneration of the British Army under his leadership. Many of them originated either from the people working under him at Horse Guards or from the new Royal Military College.
Bland, Humphrey: A Treatise of Military Discipline, London [GPP p.194] 9th Ed printed in 1762, Antiquated
Kane, Richard: Campaigns of King William and the Duke of Marlborough together with a system of Discipline for a Battalion of Foot, London [GPP p.194] Described as excellent in its limited range of coverage, but effectively unavailable in the era.
Grandmaison, Capt. de: La Petite Guerre [BLIA, Bib] One of the earliest works on light troop duties.
Saxe, Marshal de: Mes Rêveries, Paris [GPP p.194] Sir William Fawcett (a good, but mainly frustrated, Adjutant General) translated it into English (?when). Rambling in parts.
Frederick (Trans. W. Fawcett): The King of Prussia's Regulations for Cavalry [GPP p.195]
Frederick (Trans. W. Fawcett): The King of Prussia's Regulations for Infantry [GPP p.195]
Jeney, M. de: The Partisan: Or the Art of Making War in Detachments, English Edition [BLIA Bib] An early French work on light infantry
Guibert, Jacques Antoine H: Essai Général de la Tactique, Paris [GPP p83ff] an English translation appeared some time before 1786
Lloyd, Henry: History of the late War in Germany between the King of Prussia and the Empress of Germany and her Allies [GPP p.195]
Simes, Thomas: A Military Course for the Government of a Battalion, London [GPP p.195] ... of variable quality, and rather dull
Smith, Capt George: An Universal Military Dictionary, or a Copious Explanation of the Technical Terms, etc. used in the Equipment, Machinery, Movements and Military Operations of an Army, London [WII, p 315]
Simes, Thomas: A Treatise of Military Science which Comprehends the Grand Operation of War, London [GPP p.195] patchy
Simes, Thomas: The Military Guide for Young Officers, London [GPP p.112, thanks to Sol for a copy] patchy
Saldern, Gen von: Taktik der Infanterie, Dresden [GPP p.118]
Saldern, Gen von: Taktische Grundsätze, Dresden [GPP p.118]
Dundas, Col David: Principles of Military Movements Chiefly Applied to Infantry, London [WII, p 315, GPP p. 83ff] Highly influential, but a mixed blessing. It enabled a British Army to operate in the field, even if the individual battalions had never trained together. On the other hand it totally ignored light infantry requirements, and implied that they were unnecessary.
Emmerich, Lt-Col. Andrew: The Partisan in War: Or The Use of a Corps of Light Troops to an Army [BLIA, p22, 136] An early work, trying to alert the British authorities to the need for PROPERLY trained light infantry, which describes the range of work performed by such troops.
Ewald, Oberst-Leutnant von: 'Abhandlung von dem Dienst der Leichten Truppen, [BLIA, Bib] A German text on light infantry
Dundas, Sir David (Ed Horse Guards): Rules and Regulations for the Formation, Field-Exercise and Movements of His Majesty's Forces, London (reprinted 1798) [HWE Biblio, GPP p.119] The movements without Dundas' explanatory rationales
Dundas, David: Rules and Regulations for Cavalry, London [GPP p.]
Le Marchant, John Gaspard: The Rules and Regulations for the Attainment and Practice of the Sword Exercise, London [GPP p.135] A result of the Flanders campaign, where the British cavalry caused more harm to themselves than the enemy.
Le Mesurier, H: A System for the British Commissariat, London [HWE Biblio] One of Fred's boys?
Dominicus, Capt. G.: General Dundas' XVIII Manoeuvres
Rottenburg, F de: Regulations for the Exercise of Riflemen and Light Infantry, London (trans W. Fawcett, 2nd Ed 1803) [GPP p.] written with the encouragement of HRH, originally for the 5/60th but authorise as the official light infantry manual for the British Army.
Anonymous: The British Military Library or Journal, comprehending a Complete Body of Military Knowledge, London (published 1799-1801) [HWE Biblio] A periodical.
Beatson, Lt-Col Alexander: View of the Origin and Conduct of the War with Tippoo Sultaun. Comprising a Narrative of the Operations of the Army of Lieutenant-General Harris and of the Siege of Seringapatam, London [WII, p 315]
Manningham, Coote: Regulations for Rifle Corps, London [BYV, p 238, thanks to Sol for a photocopy]
Grose, F: Military Antiquities, London [HWE Biblio]
Jarry, Gen. Francois: Instruction Concerning the Duties of Light Infantry in the Field [BLIA, p100ff] Written by one of the founders of the Royal Military College, authorised as an additional regulation for the British Army.
Gross, Baron: Duties of an Officer in the Field, and Principally of Light Troops, London [HWE Biblio, BLIA p 136] Similar to Emmerich, and covering much the same material as Jarry.
Adye, Ralph W: The Bombardier and Pocket Gunner, London (reprinted 1804, etc [HWE Biblio, GPP p. 69] The artilleryman's bible, and so comprehensive that nothing else was written for years!
Guibert, Jacques Antoine H: Essai Général de la Tactique, English reprint [GPP p83ff]
Russell, Lt John: A series of Military Experiments ... made in Hyde Park in 1802, London [WII, p 207]
Anonymous: Hessen-Casselischen Militar-Reglement fur die Inanterie, Artillerie, und Leichten Truppen [BLIA Bib] Regulations of the Army with some of the best German-speaking light troops.
Anonymous: Notes on the War in India 1803 (on spine), Notes relative to the Late Transaction in the Mahratta Empire, Fort William [WII, p 315]
Anonymous: A Manual for Volunteer Corps of Cavalry, London [HWE Biblio]
Anonymous: A Manual for Volunteer Corps of Infantry, London [HWE Biblio]
Jarry, Francis: Instruction Concerning the Duties of Light Infantry in the Field, London (trans ?) [GPP p.?] Produced for the Royal Military College.
Manningham, Coote: Military Lectures delivered to the officers of the 95th Regt., London [BYV, p 238]
Barber, Capt: Instructions for the Formation and Exercise of Volunteer Sharp-Shooters, London [thanks Sol, BLIA p 136]... largely a summary of official doctrine on the duties and training of light troops. In addition to quoting Jarry's manual at length it contained a detailed examination of Rottenburg's drill system, supplemented with general comments on tactics. The section covering aimed fire and target practice, however, was more detailed than anything found in previous works and contained lots of useful hints and observations on this important aspect of the skirmisher's art. (BLIA)
Hanger, Col G: Reflections on the Menaced Invasion, London [HWE Biblio]
Jackson, Robert: A Systematic View of the Formation, Discipline and Economy of Armies, London (reprinted 1824) [BYV, p 238, GPP p.125]
James, Charles: The Regimental Companion, London [HWE Biblio, GPP p.147] A (?official) guide to the structure and administration of a regiment including official forms etc, and the official purchase prices of commissions
Smith, Maj Lewis Ferdinand: A Sketch of the Rise, Progress, and Termination of the Regular Corps formed and commanded by Europeans in the service of the Native Princes of India with the Principal Events and Actions of the late Mahratta War, Calcutta [WII, p 315]
Weddeburne, Sgt: Observations on the Exercise of Riflemen and on the Movements of Light Troops in General, Norwich [HBR Biblio]
Cooper, Capt TH: A Practical Guide for the Light Infantry Officer, London [HWE Biblio, HBR Biblio, BLIA p.137] This was a blend of useful factual information and perceptive observations on the importnt role of light troops. It contained a full explanation of Rottenburg's tactical drill - including the various bugle-calls - as well as sections on such subjects as aimed fire. and was a popular book of basic instruction for light infantry officers throughout the rest of the Napoleonic Wars. (quotes from BLIA)
MacDonald, John: Instructions for the Conduct of Infantry on Actual Service, London (English Trans) [GPP p.123]
Anonymous: An Elucidation of Several Parts of His Majesty's Regulations for the Formations and Movements of Cavalry, London [HWE Biblio]
Beaufoy, M. ("A Corporal of Riflemen"): Scloppetaria, or Considerations on the Nature and Use of Rifled Barrel Guns, London [HWE Biblio, HBR Biblio]
James, Charles: A New and Enlarged Military Dictionary, London [GPP p. 3ff]
Muller, William: Elements of the Science of War, London [WII, p 315, HWE Biblio]
Smith, Maj Lewis Ferdinand: The Mahratta and Pindari Wars, ?, [WII, p 315]
du Bourcet not translated into English before the Revolutionary War.
BYV = Bryant: Years of Victory
WII = Weller: Wellington in India
HWE = Haythornthwaite: Weapons & Equipment of the Napoleonic Wars
GPP = Glover: Peninsular Preparation
HBR = Haythornthwaite: British Rifleman
BLIA = Gates: The British Light Infantry Arm
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