Volume I: Introduction; Entries A - K

compiled by
Charles F. A. Marmoy, F.L.A.
Hon. Librarian Huguenot Society of London

Huguenot Society of London
Quarto Series
Vol. LII

[and Vol. LIII]




A.G.B.                        A.G. Browning's "Miscellany 1875 [- 1904] ".


B/A                 Billet d'Admission, the admission voucher: to whom given.


bur.                 buried: place, and by whom, if known.


CCA               Coqueau Charity Archives: the Will and certain miscellaneous documents.


d.                     died.


Dufour R.       Dufour Records, relating to external assistance 1739-59.


e.                     elected, or in the case of early entrants 1718-37, date of entry (the latter is also given when known to be later than the date of election).


FA                  Funeral Accounts: undertaker's bills to the Hospital.


J                      Journal des Commissaires: the French Minutes of the Managing Committees 1718-1835.


L                     The Steward's 'Log-book', 1727-1828.


LA                  Letter of Application, for admission.


LA Coqueau   Letter of Application for the Coqueau Charity.


L.Ass.Ext.       Livre d'Assistances Externes: the Treasurer's book in the Dufour Records.


M                    Minutes (in English) of the Managing Committees from 1836.


MS                  manuscript.


O/A                 Oaths of Allegiance, Supremacy, and Abjuration, prescribed by the Royal Charter in 1718, and recorded in J from Feb.25, 1726/27 to Oct.28, 1780; administered to Inmates and also for a time to some registered applicants receiving external relief while awaiting admission.


O/I                  Obligation d'Indemnitd, required for the admission of lunatics, abstracted as follows:- (a) Guarantor(s); (aa) Hospital Treasurer, only found on printed forms; (b) date; (c) person admitted; (d) signatures, usually with seals, of guarantor(s); (e) signatures of witnesses.


P                     Petition: printed form divided into following sections:-

(a) 7 questions concerning (i) applicant's name, address, and parents; (ii) date and place of birth; (iii) descent; (iv) occupation; (v) reason for application; (vi) signature or mark of applicant; (vii) signature of witness;

(b) 4 sections or "Certificates" to be signed by witnesses as to descent, character, age, and health;

(c) Renewed certificates (when necessary after a lapse of time);

(d) Medical Officer's certificate on admission;

(e) House Steward's report on admission;

(f) Further particulars; also notes on any enclosed documents, listed as Enclosures.

N.B. Sections (c) - (e) were little used and are not given here; section (b) abstracted when likely to be useful (see description of Petitions).


P (Coqueau)    Coqueau Charity petition, at first still in manuscript form, then on admission form, but from 1877 on forms printed for the purpose, with details as required on petitions for admission but omitting sections (c) to (e).


par.                 parish.


pres.                presented: petitions presented on date stated but not registered for reason which may or may not be given.


RA                  Register of Applicants, 1730-1948.


RA Coqueau   Register of Applicants for Coqueau Charity, 1745-1901.


Re.                  re-elected: of Inmates who had left and were later re-admitted.


regd.               registered: date when a Petition was approved for registration.


RI                    Register of Inmates: (1) to 1771, (2) from 1772, Inmates being numbered I to 1818.


RMA              Register of Married Applicants, part of the Dufour Records.


SA                  Steward's Accounts (see description).


SMR               Steward's Monthly Reports, 1827-1956.


TA                  Treasurer's Accounts, 1720-33.


ORANGE, Caroline Selina, née Bay. Inmate.

e. May 3, 1890. d. March 1, 1920; bur. "Ilford Cemetery, partly by Hospital".

P: Feb. 3, 1888, regd. Feb. 4, Class C. (a) i. Caroline Selina Orange, 55 Milton Rd., Wrights Rd., par. Old Ford, North Bow, Daughter of Jacob Bay, and Mary Bay of Virginia Row B. Green; ii. March 10, 1827, Lying-In Hospital City Rd., iii. On Father's side who[se] Ancestors came from Pickardy her farther was inmate of the french Hospital in Bath St.; iv. formerly a Silk Weaveress, now supported by her niece; v. from failure of trade; vi. Caroline Selina Orange her mark X; vii. William Dupuy. (b) ii. Henry W. Cooke, L.C.M. Simon Zelotes, Parish B.G. (f) Enclosures: (1) Certified extract Jan. 17, 1888, Marriage Register, St. John Hackney, Nov. 4, 1810 "Jacob Bay of this Parish Bachelor and Mary Johnys of this parish spinster"; (2) Certified extract Feb. 3, 1888, Baptism Register, City of London Lying-in Hospital "Born 1827 10 March Baptized 1827 14 March Caroline Selina [of] Jacob & Mary Bay, George Street Bethnal Green; Weaver"; (3) Marriage certificate, St. Matthew Bethnal Green "Married August 20th 1850 [sic- certificate is dated July 20, 1850 James Orange, Bachelor, Pig salesman, 30 Austin Street, (father) James Orange, Weaver, [and] Caroline Selina Bay, Spinster, 30 Austin Street (father) Jacob Bay, Weaver"; (4) Funeral bill Jan. 30, 1887 "Mrs. Orange To the funeral expenses of her late Husband in Manor Park Cemetery".

RI(2): No. 1533.

See also BAY, Frederick William

ORANGE, James. Inmate.

e. March 4, 1848. d. Aug. 23, 1865; bur. "Ilford Cemetery by his Friends".

P: May 1, 1844, regd. May 4, Class B. (a) i. James Orange, residing with a Sister Ann Niel, parish of Loggerheads, Virginia Row Bethnal Green, Son of Thomas & Mary Orange, 15 Sclater Street Bethnal Green; ii. June 18, 1786, 4 Club Row, Bethnal Green; iii. On Father's side, Abraham Orange from Boulbec in Normandy arrived in England in Reign of King William Third; iv. Silk weaver; 2/6 per week from Benefit Society; v. bodily infirmity; vi. James Orange; vii. William Knope [?]. (b) ii. Geo. Alston, St. Philip's, B.G. (f) Petitioner's Great Uncle Jean Pierre Orange an Inmate ... No. 354. Enclosure: Copy dated April 26, 1844 of baptismal certificate, St. Matthew, Bethnal Green "James, son of Thos. & Mary Orange, Weaver, born June 18th baptized 9th of July, 1786".

RA: May 4, 1844 [abstract of P].

RI(2): No. 1266.

See also COWPER, Rachel, nee Orange

ORANGE, Jean Pierre. Inmate.

e. April 20, 1776 (L: April 26). B/A "a lui même". O/A Oct. 21, 1780. d. March 1, 1791.

RA: April 13, 1776 "Orange, Jean Pierre né à Londres fils de Jean Orange, de Lintot en Normandie, agé de 58 ans, presqu'aveugle, sujet a des accès d'Hydropisie, incapable de gagner sa vie Recommandé par Jacob Ruffy, Ante Aubert Junr Le cas certifié par L. de la Chaumette Pastr. Jean Guillemard Elie Platrier [at side:] Admis le 20me dAvril 1776".

RI(2): No. 354.

ORANGE, Pierre. Inmate.

e. April 28, 1764 (L: May 1). B/A "a Son frere". O/A June 23, 1764. d. June 16, 1768.

LA: Jan. 12, 1764 "Pierre Orange, agé de 57 ans, natif de Londres fils de feu Abraham Orange natif de Bolebec en Normandie est dans une grande détresse. Il est ouvrier en Soye à quoi il gagnoit sa vie, mais est apresent paralizé d'un coté, incapable de faire aucune chose pour gagner sa vie, reduit dans la derniere misère. Il a donc recours à vous, Messieurs, pour vous Supplier tres humblement, de lui faire la grace & charité de le recevoir dans votre Hôpital...[signed] F.Gautarel pasteur André Benjn. Guiraud Chs. De St. Leu Jean Guillemard [below:] Dans Turvill Street, Cock Lane, the last house but one on the left hand, a Lamp at the door". [With attached certificate: "Je Certifie que pierre Orange est perclus dans tous ses membres ne pouvant presque se Soutenir - ce 17 janr. 1764 (signed) Demedis, Chirgien(sic)"].

RA: Jan. 21, 1764 [abstract of LA; endorsed "mis à Lhopital de St Thomas sortie de Lhopital comme incurables admis dans la maison le 28 d'avril 1764"].


ORANGE, Rachel See COWPER, Rachel, née Orange

BAY, Caroline Selina See ORANGE, Caroline Selina, née Bay

BAY, Frederick William. Applicant.

M: March 7, 1891 "Frederick William Bay, aged 60... son of Jacob Bay a former Inmate, attended..."; April 4, 1891 [petition registered]; Nov.6, 1891 "Fredk. Wm. Bay a Regd. Petitioner, who.. .attended, was found to be ineligible for election as he was suffering from a skin disease. His name was removed from the Register and £1 from the Poor Box was given to him".

P: March 28, 1891, regd. April 4. (a) i. Frederick William Bay, 60 Pollard Row, Bethnal Green, Middlesex, Widower, son of Jacob Bay 30 Austin Street, Bethnal Green and Mary Johnys [sic] Bay 5 virginia Row; ii. March 6, 1831, Old Cock Lane, Bethnal Green; iii. On Father's side who was a descenda[n]t of the French Hug[u]enots. Father Jacob Bay Sister Caroline Selina Orange (Inmate); iv. Cabinet-making; v. Physical weakness; vi. Frederick William Bay; vii. Alfred Bond. (f) [Statement] Gentlemen your humble petitioner is a member of the Society of Lintot instituted 1708. I was admitted a member of the Society July 1855, Elected trustee...August 1870...[signed] Frederick William Bay [witness] I hereby Certify the above as to the Society of Lintot to be true [signed] Isaac Levesque, Secretary. Documents annexed: Baptismal Certificate 20 April 1874, Fredk. Wm. Bay Son of Jacob & Mary Bay, Baptised 3rd April 1831. Marriage Certificate 1st August 1855, Fredk. Wm. Bay and Elizth. Latham. Undertaker's a/c July 13, 1877 burial of Elizabeth Bay. Received the above three documents 4th June 1898 [signed] F.W. Bay.

COWPER, Rachel, née Orange. Inmate.

e. April 11, 1896. d. May 13, 1909; bur. Hospital Burial Ground at Ilford "by the Hospital".

P: June 9, 1891, regd. July 11, Class C. (a) Rachel Cowper, 40 Warley St., Green St., par. Bethnal Green; Widow, daughter of James Orange and Ann his wife née Peck [i.e., Pack]; ii. Jan.l4, 1822, Essex St., Shoreditch; iii. On Father's side that is to say a daughter of James Orange [q.v.] who was an inmate of this Hospital & died in it; iv. formerly living in Moss St. with husband for 16 years who was a weaver; now supported by making match boxes & a small sum saved from Husband's pension; v. years & infirmity; vi. Rachel Cowper; vii. Edward P. Green. (b) ii. Frank P. Hill, Curate, St. Simon Zelotes, Bethnal Green. (f) Enclosures: (1) [MS account of Orange Family] "Abraham Orange came from Boulbec in Normandy to England in the Reign of King William the third, and afterwards Died abroad in the Army in the Reign of Queen Anne, leaving three Sons who were born in England, via. John Orange, Peter Matthew Orange and Peter Orange - Peter Matthew and Peter Died without family. John Orange the above married Martha Sauvignon[?] 1718 their Children were [all bracketted "Baptized at Artilley French Church Artillery Lane"] John Peter Orange Born 4th June 1719. Ann Judith Orange Bore 27th Jan y. 1721. James Orange Born 7th Septem. 1725. John Batist[sicl Orange Born 1st A pril 1728. Martha Orange [no date given]. Ann Orange, died in her infancy. Mrs. Martha Orange Mother of the above Children Died in 1784, Buried at Bethnal Green. John Peter Orange Married Martha Compigny. James Orange Married Rachel Compigny. Martha Orange Married Henry Le Bachelier at Bethnal Green Church. Ann Orange Married Daniel Rochecorn at Bethnal Green Church; John Baptist Orange Married in 1748 Maria Ann Pretrel at St. Martins Orgar Cannon St. and their Children were.- Mary Ann Orange Born 30 July 1749 Married John Lewis Meyers 12 Augt. 1772 John Baptist Orange Born 4th Apl. 1755 Married Martha Fox at Bethnal Green 29th May 1784. Samuel Orange Born 27th March 1766 Married Betsy Mallard June 1792 and changed his Name to Jackson 9th Sept 1793 and Died the 13 Octor. 1824"; (2) Certified extract July 18, 1825, Baptism Register, St. James' Clerkenewell, 1785 "Born 4 Feby. Baptized 6 March Ann of William & Ann Pack"; (3) Marriage certificate, Hackney Parish Church, April 13, 1806 "James Orang [sic] Bachelor and Ann Pack, Spinster"; (3) Certified extract Oct.8, 1858, Baptism Register, St. Leonard Shoreditch, 1822 "Baptized April 7 Rachel [of] James & Ann Orange, Essex St., Weaver, (Born) 15 Jany. 1822"; (4) Certified extract Feb. 24, 1851, Baptism Register, St. Matthew Bethnal Green, 1822 "Baptized August 26 Henry Born 6 Aug . 1822 [of] John and Sarah Cowper, Hare St., Weaver"; (5) Marriage certificate, St. James the Less, Bethnal Green, March 10, 1858 "Henry Cowper, Widower, weaver, 14 Cheshire St., (father John Cowper, Weaver, [and] Rachel Orange, Spinster, 15 Cheshire St., (father) James Orange, Weaver"; (6) Funeral bill Jan.26, 1891 "For the Funeral of the Late Henry Cowper Aged 68 Years ... at Bow Cemetery"; (7) Letter June 29, 1892 from the Rev. E.P. Green asking for grant to Mrs. Cowper.

RI(2): No.1549.


[cf. Jeanne Pottier, mother of Marie Lanquetuit, mother of Abraham Orange.

Several entries with links to Normandy.]

POTIÉ, Michel See POTTIER, Michel (1)

POTIER, Abraham. Applicant.

RA: March 20, 1735/36 "Potier - Abraham agé de 76 Ans de Picardie Malade de Corps et d'Esprit depuis 9 mois donné l’addresse a Mr. Demidy".

POTIER, Guillaume See POTTIER, Guillaume (1)

POTIER, Jaques. Inmate.

e. May 17, 1777 (L: May 19). B/A "à l'ami qui a presenté sa requête". d. Feb.13, 1781.

RA: May 17, 1777 "Potier Jaques natif de Montvillier en haute Normandie agé de 56 ans, frapé de paralisie, actuellement dans l’Infirmerie d'ou il va sortir incurable Je Certifie que le contenu de cette Requête est la verité J.B.Hebert Frans Jolit. Je certifie que Jaques Potier est attaqué de paralysie du côté gauche Pierre Girod [at side:]Admis le 17 Mai 1777".

RI(2): No.395.

POTIER (POBIER), Jean. Inmate.

e. June 8, 1776 (L: June 14). B/A "a lui même". O/A Oct.21, 1780. d. Jan.7, 1786.

RA: June 8, 1776 " Potier Jean, de Bolbec en haute Normandie, agé de 70 ans, accablé de Rhumatisme & d'oppression, & de toutes les autres infirmités de la vieillesse & de la pauvreté. Recommandé par Jacob Bourdillon, Pasteur, Ete. Sorel, Geo. Hebert. Le Cas certifié par J. Guillemard le fils. Admis le 8 Juin 1776".

FA: Jan.10, 1786 "John Pobier funeral 14s.4d.".


POTIER, Michel See POTTIER, Michel (1) & (2)

POTTER, Caroline. Inmate.

e. Feb.18, 1950. "Transferred on 25.9.1955 to: c/o Mrs. Tippler, 21 Church Rd., Addlestone, Surrey".

P: Oct.19, 1949 regd. Nov.5, (a) i. Caroline Potter, 18 Lorne Rd. Forest Gate, E.7, West Ham, daughter of William Jonah Potter 73 Oldfield, Stoke Newington, N., and Mary Ann Potter, 66 Walford Rd., Stoke Newington, N.; ii. Jan.12, 1878, Park Holme Rd., Dalston, Hackney; iii. On Father's side. Mr. Toye being his Grandfather he is my Great-Grandfather also Miss Jermy [i.e. Eliza Jermy, q.v.] Miss Merritt their Grandmother was my Grandmother [sic ]sisters; iv. formerly Tailoress, working always at home over 47 years with one firm, now supported by Retirement Pension £1.6.0 and National Assistance 10s.6d. per week; v. Firm closed down but the work I got was too heavy for me I had to live on my savings; vi. Caroline Potter; vii. E.H. Clark. (f) Enclosures: (1) Letter Oct.20, 1949 from Miss Potter with petition, saying "I think my great Grandfather's name was Jonah Toye..."; (2-8) 7 letters from Clerk, F.H. and the Steward regarding Miss Potter's application.

RI(2): No.1808.

POTTER, Charlotte See SCOTT, Charlotte, née Potter

POTTER, Henry See POTTIER, Henry

POTTER, Joseph See POTTIER, Joseph (1)

POTTIER, Eliza See SHELLEY, ELiza, née Pottier

POTTIER (POTIER), Guillaume (1). Inmate.

e. Jan.28, 1786 (L: Feb.1). B/A "à Monsr. Jaques Beuzeville". d. June 9, 1788.

RA: Nov.26, 1781 "Pottier Guillaume Ouvrier en Soye Agé de 68 Ans Membre de L'Eglise de Londres et de St Jean incapable de pouvoir travailler par plusieurs affliction dont ils est Affligé & reduit a une grande pauvreté et aussi depuis peu eu une attaque de Paralisie ce qui le rend un Objet digne d'Attention Recommandé & le Cas Certifié par Pierre Levesque Pierre Huet Guillme Belloncle Jaques Beuzeville [Nº3 Wild Court Great Wild Street

deleted] Church Street Beth 1 Green. Examiné par le Dotr. Dargent qui confirme le cy dessus [at side:] Admis le 28 Janvr. 1786".

RI(2): No.634.

POTTIER, Guillaume (2). Applicant.

M: July 4, 1868 "Guillaume Pottier of 20 Whitmore Road Belvidere Road Hoxton Widower aged 67 presented Petition to enter Hospital as an Inmate Petition [not found]registered subject to Evidence of Wife's death".

POTTIER (POTTER), Henry. Inmate.

e. Feb.b, 1892. d. May 9, 1892 "on his way home from his son's" [M.O. report]; bur. no record.

P: April 6, 1889, regd. April 4, 1891, Class C. (a) i. Henry Potter or Pottier, 35 Paragon Road, Hackney, Son of the late Joseph Pottier of the French Hospital and Mary Ann Pottier, Bell and Anchor Cottages, Victoria Docks; ii. Dec.15, 1828, Church Row Bethnal Green; iii. On Father's side who was an inmate of the French Hospital also Mrs. Powers [i.e. Mary Ann Power, q.v.?] (my aunt) & Mrs. Scott, Aunt, Second Cousin Mrs. Pickard, who are at the present time inmates of the above; iv. Looking Glass Frame Maker, now supported by Son & Daughter; v. Bad Trade & Misfortune in Business; vi. Henry Potter; vii. Benjamin Edwin Lee. (f) Enclosures: (1) Certified extract May 17, 1875, Baptism Register, St. Leonard Shoreditch May 1774 "George S of Joseph & Elizabeth Potter of George Yard, Born April ye 11th Baptised y 14 Inst."; (2) Certified extract Aug.23, 1876, Baptism Register, French Protestant Eglise Neuve Church Street Spitalfields, Feb.20, 1803 "Joseph Fils de George Pottier et de Marie Pige sa Femme elle Membre de 1'Eglise n& le 14 de Janvier 1803"; (3) Certified extract Aug.23, 1876 from same, Dec.9, 1804 "Marie Anne fille de George Pottier at de Marie Pige Sa femme, ellemembre de notre Eglise, née le 14e Novembre 1804"; (4) Certified extract [Oct.?], 1837 Baptism Register, St. Leonard Shoreditch, 1829 "Jany. [day illegible]Henry, (parents) Joseph & [illegible] Potter, Worship Street; Dyer, (born) 15 Dec.1828"; (5) Funeral bill, City of London Cemetery, Ilford "Interment of Mary Ann Potter aged 63 years", April 16, 1888; (6) Letter April 4, 1889 from Rev. Septimus Hansard relating to petitioner.

RI(2): No.1536.

POTTIER, Jacob. Applicant.

J: Jan.11, 1743/46 "On a admis dans la maison...Jacob Pottier son billet remis a Mr. De Sailly"; Jan.18, 1745/46 "Mr. De Sailly a rapporté le billet d'admission dans l'Hopital de

Jacob Pottier ayant refuse d'Entrer".

RA: Sept.21, 1745 "Pottier - Jacob de Meaux en Brie 78 ans aveugle depuis plusieurs annees hors d'Etat de Subsister, connu de Mrs. Beaufort, St. Maurice & Tabart - demeure chez I. Bouzige, matelassier dans Lombard Street proche les 7 Dyals - [at side:] Admis dans la Maison le 11e. Janvier 1745/46. il a refusé d'Entrer".

POTTIER, James. Inmate.

e. March 4, 1848. d. March 20, 1858; bur. "Abney Park Cemetery by his Relatives”.

P: Dec.8, 1846, regd. Jan.9, 1847, Class B. (a) i. James Pottier, Widower, 58 Church St.

Mile End New Town, par. Stepney; son of Joseph Pottier of 150 Church Street Bethnal Green and Elizabeth Dorrington; ii. April 5, 1779, 150 Church Street, Bethnal Green; iii. On Father's side whose Grand Father was born at Lintot in Normandy and who came to England about 120 years ago; iv. formerly a Licensed Victualler having kept the Ship in Hunt [?] Street Mile End New Town 7 years, now 4s. per week from a Benefit Society and at present selling fruit; v. Bodily infirmity, vi. James Pottier; vii. G.A. Mouzon. (b) i. George Lewis[?] Pottier; ii. Jas. Harris, Incumbent, Mile End New Town. (f) An Uncle of Petitioner Inmate of Hospital see Registry either No359 [i.e. Jean Potier] or No.395 [i.e. Jaques Potier]. Enclosure: Copy dated Dec.4, 1846 of baptismal certificate, Parish of St. Matthew, Bethnal Green, "James son of Joseph and Elizabeth Potter [sic] was baptized September 15th 1779".

RA: Jan.9, 1847 [abstract of P].

RI(2): No.1265.

See also POWER, Mary Ann; SCOTT, Charlotte

POTTIER (POTTER), Joseph (1). Inmate.

e. Aug. 1, 1874. d. June 17, 1883; bur. "with his own money by his relatives" [place not stated].

M: July 7, 1883 "The Committee sanctioned the giving of the late Joseph Pottier's effects to his son".

P: Oct.30, 1873, regd. March 7, 1874, Class A. (a) i. Joseph Pottier, 10 Bell and Anchor Cottages, Victoria Dock Road, par. Barking, Essex, with his Daughter Ann High; Son of George Pottier of Hunt Street, Mile End New Town, and Ann Page; ii. Jan.13, 1803, 152 Tyson Street, Bethnal Green, par. St. Matthew; iii. On Father's side who was George Pottier son of Louis Pottier whose Ancestors came from [blank] in the South of France; iv. formerly a Mariner in the Merchant Service, now supported by any job of Work in the Docks; 5/- a Month from the Bloomsbury French Church; v. Old Age and Increasing Infirmity; vi. The Mark of Joseph Pottier [no mark]; vii. G.B. Linch. (f) Petitioner's Uncle James Pottier died in the Hospital No 1265. Enclosures: (1) Certified extract, undated, Regître des Baptêmes de 1'Eglise Françoise de Londres "Joseph Potter ou Pottier a été baptisé Le 14 Mars 1803 fils de George Pottier & de Anne Potter née Page sa femme Né le 14 Mars 1803 [deleted in pencil with note: query 13 Janvier]"; (2) Certified extract Oct.26, 1873, Marriage register, St. Sepulchre, Sity of London, March 6, 1823 "Joseph Potter of this Parish Bachelor and Ann Ferry of this Parish Spinster"; (3) Funeral bill July 31, 1872 "To Funeral of the late Mrs. Ann Potter... to Bow Cemetery".

RI(2): No.1420, bracketed with No.1419, Mary Ann Power endorsed "Brother & Sister".

See also BUDGEN, Louis; PICARD, Mary Ann; POTTIER, Henry

POTTIER, Joseph (2). Inmate.

e. Feb.9, 1901. d. April 18, 1903; bur. "Hendon Park Cemetery by his friends, assisted by the Hospital".

P: Jan.30, 1901, regd. Feb. 9, Class C; endorsed Inmate until his removal to the Middlesex Hospital March 1903. He died there on 18th April 1903 following operation. (a) i. Joseph Pottier, 8 Blackstone Road, London Fields, Hackney, Widower, Son of William Pottier and Ann; ii. Sept.4, 1835, Tyson St. Spitalfields; iii. On Father's side who was a member of a numerous family of french weavers all settled in Spitalfields. Mrs. Scott [i.e. Charlotte Scott No.1428] (William Pottiers sister) was an inmate of the hospital for many years...; iv. formerly in receipt of £2 per week, now...his only income is £1.10.- per week derived from trade of packer (see attached letter from previous employer); v. very failing health; vi. Joseph Pottier; vii. A. Victor Allen. (b) ii. Frederic Cox, Vicar of St. Philip's Dalston. (f) 1. Marriage Certificate dated August 26, 1860, 1 Undertaker's Bill for interment of petitioner's wife. Enclosures: (1) Receipt May 6, 1903 "Received this day.. .the Desk and contents and other personal effects belonging to my late father, together with his Marriage Certificate and Bill for the funeral of my late Mother [signed] J. Pottier"; (2) Letter Nov.29, 1900 from Walker & Co., Packers, recommending petitioner "he has been in our employ continuously for over 35 years"; (3-8) Six letters between A.V. Allen and J.L. Pound in support of petition; (9) Memorial card "Joseph -Pottier...April 18th 1903".

RI(2): No.1578.

See also SCOTT, Annie Charlotte; SCOTT, Walter Stanley

POTTIER, Mary Ann See POWER, Mary Ann, née Pottier, formerly Mrs. Vanner

POTTIER (POTIE, POTIER), Michel (1) [same as (2)?]. Inmate.

e. July 21, 1726. Left: Dec.19, 1727. Re. July 11(L) or 12(TA), 1728 [not in J]. Left: March 28, 1729.

J: Sept.7, 1726 "Michel Pottier Entré le 21 Juillet...Sur le Compte de michel pottier Son pere".

TA: June 22, 1728 "Michel Potier pour michel Potier Son 19e.Xbre.[1717]...ql. Est Sorti...”.

L: July 11, 1728 "michel potier est rentre par Letre de mr mose pujolas sa pention et enterrement en cas de mort sera paye par Jaques potier son frere suiva[nt] son Billiet

separé"; March 28, 1729 "potié et Sorti Sa pension et payee par Son piere potié son pere [sic]". [N.B. TA June 22, 1729 still enters him as paid for by his father, Michel Potier].

POTTIER (POTIER), Michel (2) [same as(1)?]. Inmate.

e. Aug.3, 1751. B/A "a luy même. Left: Oct.26, 1751.

J: Oct.26, 1751 "Michel Potier ayant demandé a Sortir de la maison la Compagnie lui a accordé Son Congé, etant informée par lui même qu'il avoit une annuité de Dix Livres Sterling de Rente. le nommé Frisquet avant eu querelle avec Potier & S'etant battus ensemble, la Compagnie lui a ordonné de ne pas Sortir de la maison pendant un mois".

RA:May 25, 1751 "Potier - Michel de Caen agé de 60 Ans, tourneur d'ivoire de profession incapable de travailler depuis plusieurs années, recommandé par Mesrs. Muysson & des Champs Ministres & Mesrs. Maty & Justamond anciens de La Savoye [at side:] admis dans la maison le 3e. Aoust, 1751".

RI(1): "La Corporation Françoise: Pottier Michel...Sorti le 26e.8bre,. 1751 en remerciant la Compe."

SCOTT, Charlotte, née Potter. Inmate.

e. Nov.6, 1875.           d. June 28 (RI) or 29 (M), 1898; bur. "Bow Cemetery by her Children".

M: Dec.2, 1876 "Mrs. Scott having expressed a wish to leave the Hospital in January next was called before the Committee when she stated that a sum of money had been left her and that she wished to reside with her daughter. It was Resolved that Mrs. Scott's request be granted". [N.B. No further record].

P: June 4, 1868, regd. June 6, Class B. (a) i. Charlotte Scott, at James Scott's, 3 Suffolk Street, 3 Colts Lane, par. Bethnal Green, Widow, Daughter of George Potter of 54 Church Street Bethnal Green and Mary Pigé; ii. Sept.14, 1808, 54 Church St. Bethnal Gn.; iii. On Father's side who was Son of John Potter - whose Father came from St Onge in

Normandy. Two of Petitioner's sons have been Apprenticed by the Society of St Onge & Petitioner in [sic] Neice to James Potter [i.e. Pottier] who Died in the French Hospital

and Cousin to Jane Miles now an Inmate of the French Hospital; iv. Silk Warper before being married, now supported by her Children; v. loss of maintenance by death of Husband, increasing Age & failing health; vi. Charlotte Scott; vii. George Savage.     (b) i. George

Louis Pottier.  (f) Inmate Jane Miles' Mother & Candidate's Grandmother, sisters; Uncle

Jas. Pottier No.1265 decd Cousin Jane Miles No.1255 now in the Hospital. Enclosures: (1) Certified extract April 30, 1868, Baptism Register, St. Leonard Shoreditch, October 1809 "Charlotte D of George & Mary Potter of Kingsland Road Born Sepr 19th Bapt. 9th”; (2) Certified extract March 1, 1853, Marriage Register, Parish of South Hackney, Aug.19, 1832 "John Scott of this Parish Bachelor and Charlotte Potter of this Parish Spinster"; (3) Undertaker's certificate of burial of Mr. John Scott, Dec.21, 1864, aged 56, Bow Cemetery; (6) Memorial card for same, giving date of death Dec.15, 1864.

RA: June 6, 1868 [abstract of P].

RI(2): No.1255.

See also          CECIL, Harriet, née Caviere; MARCHMENT, Hannah Rebecca, née Scott; MILTON, Susan Eliza, née Scott; NORTON, Alice Beatrice, née Scott; PICARD, Mary Ann, née Budgen; POTTIER, Henry; POTTIER, Joseph; SCOTT, Annie Charlotte; TAYLOR, Eleanor Emma, née Scott; WILES, Caroline Charlotte, née Scott

SHELLEY, Eliza, née Pottier.         Applicant.

P: Sept.1, 1909, regd. Feb.3, 1923, Class A; endorsed Form given out in 1909 (31 July). (a) i. Eliza Shelley, [18 Dalby Street, Kentish Town St. Pancras deleted], now (Jany. 1923) 14 Luiscott [?] Road, Clapton E.5; married, daughter of William Pottier and Ann Pottier; ii. Oct.2, 18 [year omitted], Weaver's Arms, Whitechapel; iii. On Father's side; [relatives who had been in Hospital]:       Mrs. Scott, Aunt, Joseph Pottier, Uncle, Joseph Pottier, Brother; iv. formerly [blank] First marriage; income 7s.9d. per week from 2/9 Foresters and 5/- from Seth Taylor late employer; v. ill health of husband who was unable to work for the Past 2 Years; vi. Eliza Pottier her mark X; vii. Joseph Pottier, 83 Malden Rd., N.W. (b) ii. Walter Platt (Wesleyan Minister).  (f) Enclosure: Letter Dec.5, 1922 from Ernest James Pottier, 25 Danehurst St., S.W.6 "I regret to say that my dear father Mr. James Pottier passed away on Saturday morning last and is being buried... at Abney Park Cemetery. I am deeply grateful to you for all the kindnesses bestowed upon our family as I can never forget as a boy being apprenticed through [the Hospital's Mounier Fund]...My aunt, sister to my father, who has lived under the same roof with him, and is 82, is anxious to know if it would be possible for a small weekly allowance to be made to her... her address is Mrs. Shelley, 14 Linscott Rd. Clapton..."; endorsed Ansd. 18 Jan. 1923.

POWER, Mary Ann, née Pottier, formerly Mrs. Vanner. Inmate.

e. March 7, 1874. d. Jan.11, 1877; bur. Nunhead Cemetery "by her Friends".

M: May 2, 1874 "Mr. Duthoit reported that Mary Anne Power had been elected a Pensioner of the East London General Pension Society since her election as an Inmate. She was therefore sent for but ... was absent on leave for the day..."; June 6, 1874 "With reference to Mary Anne Power it was resolved that there was no objection to her receiving the 2/- per week from the East London General Pension Society"; Jan.13, 1877 "At the request of the Deputy Governor Dr. Dixon the Medical Officer attended the Court. He explained the circumstances attending the death of Mrs. Power and stated that he had made a Post-mortem examination and given a certificate of the cause of death". [The Steward's monthly report states: "Mrs. Power died Thursday 11th. Jan. at 10:55 p.m. She fell down a flight of stairs at her son's house 31st Dec. 1876. The body was removed from the Hospital Friday 12th Jan.1877"].

P: Oct.23, 1865, regd. May 5, 1866. (a) i. Mary Ann Power, 6 Busby St. Bethnal Green Road, Housekeeper, Daughter of George Pottier 4 Hunt Street, Mile End New Town, and Mary Ann Pottier; ii. Nov.17, 1804, 44 Church Street Bethnal Green Road; iii. On Father's & Mother's side whose Ancestors came from Saint Onge; iv. Husband was formerly in the Excise Office; now taking in Washing, and has a Small Income from her Son of a few Shillings per Week; v. her Son about to Discontinue his Allowance ... and through bodily Infirmity; vi. Mary Ann Power X [her mark]; vii. William Ferry. (b) ii. G.H. Tidcombe, Curate, Parish Church Bethnal Green; iii. G. Louis Pottier. (f) The following persons have died in the French Hospital all of which are related to the Petitioner: James Pottier 1265 Uncle, Lydia Ferry 1196;Cousin, Mrs. Miles 1255 is also related to the Petitioner, Jane Ferry 1172, Margaret Ferry 1222 are also stated as related to the Petitioner, as Cousins, or by marriage, by Jane Miles N01255 her Cousin. Documents annexed: Petitioner's Baptismal Certificate, Protestant Walloon Ch 1804 Marie Anne fille de George Pottier & Marie Pigé; 1st Marriage Certificate, St. Botolph Aldgate 5th Novr 1827 to James Vanner with Mary Ann Pottier; 2nd Marriage Certificate, St. Botolph Aldgate 15th May 1847 of John Me Power with Mary Vanner; Burial Certificate [i.e. funeral bill] to the Funeral of John Power 16th Feby 1860; Renewed certificate before Admittce. 11th March 1874, satisfactory...[in another hand:] Received the above Documents [signed] Mary Bull 6th December 1884 Witness: William Grellier.

RA: May 5, 1866 [abstract of P].

RI(2): No. 1419. [Bracketed with No.1420, Joseph Pottier, endorsed "Brother & Sister"].

See also POTTIER, Henry

BUDGEN, Louis. Applicant.

M: Feb.2, 1895 "Louis Budgen...was considered ineligible for admission on account of his failing sight and was transferred to Class A with a grant of 7/- per month".

A.G.B. [List of Male Candidates for Admission]: "Louis Budgen....On Boislin Charity, and 7/per month, and 5/- per month Winsor. Still a Petitioner".

P: Nov30, 1882, pres. March 3, 1883, regd. Class C; endorsed A 2nd Feby. 1895. Elected to Winsor Charity Apl.1902. Died 20th November 1907. (a) i. Louis Budgen, 6 Grove Vale, Champion Hill, East Dulwich, Surrey [-address Feb. 1895 32 Wycliffe Road, Lavender Hill, S.W.]; Widower, Son of Thomas Budgen, Union Street, Spittlefields, London, and Charlotte Catherine Budgen; ii. Nov.23, 1818, Warwick Lane, City of London; iii. On Mother's side whose Father Louis Pigè came over to England from Normandy in or about 1704 or 1705; iv. formerly Master Tailor, now has precarious income from his own work; v. Failure of health (eyesight) cannot carry on business; vi. Louis Budgen; vii. J. Bevan. (b) iii. George Pigè, Joseph Pigè. (f) Documents annexed ... Received the Certificates forwarded with this application ...[unsigned; documents still with petition]. Louis Budgen is brother to Mary Ann Picard an Inmate Nº1478 & cousin of Joseph Pottier an Inmate Nº1420, now inmates of the French Hospital. Enclosures (1) Certified extract Feb.20, 1883, Marriage Register, St. Luke Old Street, April 25, 1841 "Louis Budgen, Bachelor, Tailor, Finsbury St., (father) Thomas Budgen, Carpenter, [and] Mary Jones, Spinster, Bunhill Row, (father) David Jones, Boot Maker"; (2) Funeral bill, Jan.10, 1880 "For the funeral of the Late Mrs. Mary Bugene"; (3) Letter Nov.10, 1894 from Arthur Chambers to Sec., F.H. asking about admitting Mr. Budgen "for whom I have obtained a little temporary assistance from Mr. Leschallas"; (4-7) Four testimonials of character from tradesmen, Nov., 1893.

BUDGEN, Mary Ann See PICARD, Mary Ann, nee Budgen

PICARD (PICKARD), Mary Ann, née Budgen. Inmate.

e. Aug.5, 1882. d. Sept.14, 1889, West Ham Infirmary; bur. "by relations".

M: Oct.5, 1889 "The Committee sanctioned the giving of ... the things left by Mrs.Picard to her granddaughter".

P: Sept.3, 1881, regd. same day, Class C. (a) i. Mary Ann Picard, 33 Edward Street, par. St. Matthew Bethnal Green, Widow, daughter of Thomas Budgen of Wood Street Spitalfields and Catherine Charlotte Budgen née Pigé; ii. July 23, 1805, Warwick Lane, City; iii. On Mother's side whose Father came to England at the time of the French Revolution; iv. Formerly in middling circumstances, now supported by needlework and has Six pounds from Two hundred pounds in 3 per cents; v. failure in trade; vi. Mary Ann Picard; vii. Emily Pigè. (b) i. George Pigè. (f) The Petitioner is first Cousin on her Mother's side to Joseph Pottier an Inmate No1420 & his Sister Charlotte Scott an Inmate No1428; the Petitioner stated that her Husband died about ten years since (18/0) & was buried at Ilford. Enclosures:(1) Certified extract June 18, 1869, Marriage Register, Parish of Hackney, Dec.17, 1804 "Thomas Budgen of this Parish Bachelor and Catherine Pige of this Parish Spinster"; (2) Certified extract Aug.1, 1815, Baptism Register, St. Matthew Bethnal Green, 1805 "Mary Ann Daughter of Thomas and Catherine Budgen Born 23d July Baptized Novr 24th 1805"; (3) Marriage certificate, St. Pancras Middlesex, April 15, 1835 "William Pickard of this Parish Bachelor and Mary Ann Budgen of this Parish Spinster"; (4) Detailed list "Clothes &c belonging to the late Mrs Pickard", receipted "Oct.27, 1889 Mrs. E. Oliver".

RI(2): No. 1478.

See also BUDGEN, Louis; POTTIER, Henry

SCOTT, Anne Charlotte, née Scott. Inmate.

e. Feb.7, 1925. d. April 21, 1938; bur. "Hospital Burial Ground partly with her own monies".

P: Jan.14, 1925, regd. Feb.7, Class C. (a) i. Annie Charlotte Scott, 8 Bayford Street, Hackney, Widow, Daughter of Edwin Scott and Caroline, Willow St., Mile End; ii. April 16,

1864, 2 Suffolk Street, Bethnal Green; iii. On Father's side.  Charlotte Scott (nee Pottier) Grandmother, Joseph Pottier, Uncle [q.v.]; iv. Tailoress before marriage;

v. [blank]; vi. Annie Charlotte Scott; vii. Amelia Wellum. (f) Enclosures: (1)

Marriage certificate, St. Matthias Bethnal Green, May 25, 1857 "Edwin Scott, 22, Bachelor, Tin and Zinc-plate worker, 14 St. James Str., (father) John Scott, Carpenter, [and] Caroline Garland, 22, Spinster, (father) Charles Garland, Deceased"; (2) Certified extract Jan.13, 1925, Register of Births, Green Sun-district, Bethnal Green "Born 16th April 1864,

2 Suffolk Street, Anne Charlotte [of] Edwin Scott, Caroline Scott formerly Garland, Tinman"; (3) Marriage certificate, St. Peter, Stepney, Aug.29, 1903 "Charles Scott, Widower, Carpenter, 21 Bayford Street, Hackney, (father) Robert Scott, Deceased, [and] Annie Charlotte Scott, Spinster, 44 Tollet Street, (father) Edwin Scott, Deceased"; (4) Memorial card "Charles Scott ... who fell asleep March 30, 1907 aged 44 years. Interred in Tower Hamlets Cemetery, Bow...".

RI(2): No.1704.

See also          MARCHMENT, Hannah Rebecca, née Scott; SCOTT, Walter Stanley; TAYLOR, Eleanor Emma, née Scott; WILES, Caroline Charlotte, née Scott

SCOTT, Walter Stanley. Inmate.

e. Nov.2, 1929. d. Nov.1,.1944 "at Weston-super-Mare General Hospital"; bur. "by his relatives".

P: Sept.14, 1929, regd. Oct.5, Class C. (a) i. Walter Stanley Scott, 2 Hollingsworth Cottages, Earl St., Hastings, Sussex, Widower, Son of Edwin Scott 41 Willow St. Mile End, London, and Caroline Scott; ii. May 13, 1862, Kings St., Cambridge Rd. London; iii. On Father's side; Annie Scott sister now living in above [i.e. French] Hospital; iv. A photographer, now supported by Photography and Old Age Pension; v. Old age; vi. Walter Stanley Scott; vii. W.R. Heilbronn. (b) ii. Sholto Newman, Emmanuel Vicarage, Hastings. (f) Enclosures: (1) Baptismal certificate, St. Matthias Bethnal Green "Baptized 1863 Sept 20 [born] May 13 1862 Walter Stanley [of] Edwin & Caroline Scott, King St Cambridge Road; Tinman"; (2) Marriage certificate, Register Office, Poplar District, Dec.4, 1890 "Walter Scott 28 years Bachelor, Porter at a Restaurant, 41 Willow Street, Mile End, (father) Edwin Scott, deceased, Zinc worker; [and] Mary Hannah Heilbronn 36 years Widow, 18 Appian Road, Old Ford, (father) Robert Fitch, Ivory Carver"; (3) Cemetery card, Hastings Borough Cemetery, for burial of Mary H. Scott Dec.17, 1923; (4) Letter Sept.30, 1944 from O. Pallier to F.H. asking that Mr. W. Scott (then billetted with her) should be removed as she is expecting another child; (5) Second letter Oct.8, 1944 from same saying that as Mr. Scott's foot had got steadily worse he had been removed to Weston-super-Mare General Hospital; (6-10) 5 letters relating to his stay in hospital and his condition; (11) Copy of letter Nov.6, 1944 from Sec., F.H. to Mrs. Pallier regretting news of Mr. Scott's death, settling account, and stating "I understand that Mr. Scott's stepdaughter is arranging for his interment and I presume that she will also be seeing you about his effects".

RI(2): No.1735.

See also MARCHMENT, Hannah Rebecca, née Scott; TAYLOR, Eleanor Emma, née Scott

MARCHMENT, Hannah Rebecca, née Scott. Applicant.

P: Jan.30, 1932, regd. Feb.6, Class C; endorsed Elected 6th May 1939 to French Church Poor Fund. Died 20 Feb 1949. (a) i. Hannah Rebecca Marchment, 6 Chargeable Lane, Plaistow E.13. Essex; Widow, Daughter of James Scott and Hannah; ii. Sept.16, 1868, 18 Union St. Hackney Rd.; iii. On Father's side who[se] Mother [i.e. Charlotte Scott, q.v.?] of James Scott, inmate 20 years & died there also Anne & Walter Scott inmates at present; iv. formerly Machinist when not supported by Husbands wage, now Shirt Machinist & Widows Pension 10s. per week; v. Age; vi. Hannah Rebecca Marchment; vii. Frederick Little.

(b) ii. S W Hume, Vicar St. Matthias Canning Town. (f) Enclosures: (1) Letter Dec.7, 1931 from Mrs. W. Briggs 7 Chargeable Lane E.13 saying her mother Caroline Charlotte Wiles died "three years next January" and applying on behalf of her mother's sister Mrs. H.R. Marchment; (2) Letter April 16, 1939 from petitioner saying she did not wish to enter "on account of having my daughter at home"; (3) Letter Feb.21, 1949 from C.A. Marchment 6 Chargeable Lane E.13 saying mother died Feb.20 and asking for return of her certificates; (4) Carbon copy of reply Feb.28, 1949 by Clerk, F.H. enclosing "Your mother's birth certificate, marriage certificate, and two letters relating to your father's death"; (5) Letter March 9, 1949 from C.A. Marchment acknowledging certificates.

TAYLOR, Eleanor Emma, née Scott. Inmate.

e. Dec.6, 1930. d. Feb.5, 1936; bur. "Hospital Burial Grd. Ilford Cemetery by the Hospital".

P: Nov.17, 1930, regd. Dec.6, Class C. (a) i. Eleanor Emma Scott, 80 Park Avenue, Palmers Green, Middlesex, daughter of John Scott Ash Grove, Hackney, and Eleanor Scott, formerly Bishop; ii. May 14, 1858, 9 King Street, Mile End Old Town; iii. On father's side, Charlotte Scott nee Pottier (grandmother) was an inmate also Joseph Pottier (uncle) also Susan Eliza Milton (sister of petitioner) also cousins at present inmates namely Annie Scott and Walter Scott; iv. formerly housekeeper when husband was alive, now supported by Old Age Pension and investments, income £76 per annum from the above; v. health and age; vi. E E Taylor; vii. E.W. Peace. (f) Enclosures: (1) Marriage certificate, All Saints, Fulham, Middlesex, May 28, 1855 "John Scott, 22, Bachelor, Carpenter, Fulham, (father) John Scott, Carpenter, [and] Eleanor Bishop, 21, Spinster, Dress Maker, Fulham, (father) Joseph Bishop, Butcher"; (2) Certified extract Aug.4, 1926, Register of Births, Eastern District of Mile End Old Town "Born 14th May 1858, 9 King Street, Eleanor Emma [of] John Scott and Eleanor Scott formerly Bishop, Carpenter Journeyman"; (3) Marriage certificate, St. Thomas's Bethnal Green, July 15, 1877 "George Henry Taylor, 23, Bachelor, Grainer, Ann's P1., (father) George Taylor, Grainer, [and] Ellen [sic] Emma Scott, 19, Spinster, Hope St., (father) John Scott, Carpenter".

RI(2): No. 1743.

WILES, Caroline Charlotte, née Scott, formerly Mrs. Beaney. Applicant.

P: July 25, 1928, regd. July 28, Class C; endorsed Died in Jany 1929. (a) i. Caroline Charlotte Wiles, 7 Chargeable Lane, Barking Road, par. Plaistow, West Ham, Essex; Widow, daughter of James Scott, 33 Union Street, Hackney Road, N.E. and Hannah Scott; ii. March 16, 1863, St. Bartholomew's Terrace, Cambridge Heath Rd.; iii. On Father's side who was son of Charlotte Scott [q.v.] who died whilst an inmate; Susan Milton [q.v.], Annie Scott [q.v.] both first cousins & at present both inmates; iv. formerly a Feather curler, now supported by Old Age Pension, 10s.per week; v. Failure of eyesight; vi. Caroline C. Wiles X [her mark]; vii. Winifred Lilian Briggs. (b) ii. H.G. Browning, St.Matthias, Canning Town, Curate. (f) Enclosures: (1) Baptismal certificate, St.Matthias Bethnal Green "Baptized 1863 April 5 [born] March 16 , Caroline Charlotte [of] James & Hannah Scott, 1½ St. Bartholomew's Terrace; Gas Fitter"; (2) Marriage certificate, St. Paul, Bow Common, July 11, 1889 "William Samuel Beaney, 30, Cook on Ship, 16 Turners road, (father) George Samuel Beaney, Carpenter, [and] Caroline Charlotte Scott, 26, Spinster, 13 Clemence Street, (father) James Scott, Gas fitter"; (3) Letter Nov.15,1900 from Nelson Dankin & Co.informing Mrs.Beaney of her husband's death and burial at sea; (4) Death certificate Jan.10, 1901 of death Oct. 26, 1900 at sea on board S.S. Gairloch "Samuel Beaney, Male, 43, Cook ... Heart disease"; (5) Marriage certificate, Plaistow Parish Church, April 19, 1908 "Horace James Wiles, 41, Widower, Gas Stoker, 7 Chargeable Lane, (father) John Wiles, Brush Maker, [and] Caroline Charlotte Beaney, 45, Widow, 7 Chargeable Lane, (father) James Scott, Gas fitter"; (6) Death certificate, Sub-district of Plaistow "Died 29th May 1909, 7 Chargeable Lane, Horace James Wiles, 42 years, Gas Stoker; Influenza Pneumonia, (informant) C.C. Wiles, Widow of deceased".

See also MARCHMENT, Hannah Rebecca, née Scott


[c.f. Marie Lanquetuit, mother of Abraham Orange, b. Normandie 1671.]



[Judith Poutra, (first) wife of Abraham Orange (b. 1695).]



[c.f. Marthe Sauvignon, wife of Jean Orange, m 1718.]


Savigny, Paul Fisher.  Inmate.

e. Sept. 15, 1787 (L: Oct 1).B/A “à Mr. Mounier”.    d. April 21, 1781.

RA: May 26, 1787 “Savigny Paul Fisher fils de Nicholas et petit fils d’Olivier Savigny né a Caen en Normandie & refugié en Angleterre agé de 67 ans. Incapable par Age & Infirmités de gagner sa vie. Le cas certifié par F. Prevost pasteur Jean Jaques Le jeune Danl. Payan E Artaud Il recoit du Commité £6. Demeure No63 Long Lane Smithfield [at side:] Admis le 15e Sept. 1787 dans les petites maisons”.

RI(2): No.674.


[c.f. Judit Pougnau, probable mother of Marthe Sauvignon.]


POUGNEAU, Esther, née Finée.       Inmate.

e. April 21, 1759 (L: April 24). B/A “a Mr. Jean de la Marre”. O/A May 19, 1759. d. April 16, 1762.

RA: May 13, 1758 “Pougneau - Esther fille de Jacob Finée, Natif de Poictou, agée de 68 Ans, fort infirme & affligée dune foiblesse dEsprit, recommandee p[ar] Mess Estienne Galhié, Jean Guillemard, & Jaques Aubert. Mr. Jacquin Certifie quelle est foible & Infirme Mr. Demidis certifie qu’Elle est dans un Etat fort foible [the last two statements in different hands to preceding details] [at side:] donné billet d’admission le 21e. Avril 1759".

FA: April 16, 1762 “Esther Pougneau Coffin & Shroud 15s 4d”.



[c.f. Martha Catherine & Rachel Compigne, wives of Jean Pierre and Jaques Orange.]



[Jeanne Blanchard, mother of Martha Catherine and Rachel Compigne.]

BLANCHARD, Anne (1). Inmate.

e. June 13, 1767 (L: June 18). B/A "à Mr. Amyot". O/A Oct.24, 1767. d. Feb.9, 1780.

RA: April 4, 1767 "Blanchard - Anne Agée de 60 Ans fille de feu Jean Blanchard de St. Foix dans le Perigord, denuée de Secours, ayant perdu la vuë d'un oeil & affligée de Rhumatisme aux mains. recommandée par Messrs. Coderc Minre., Planck, Perigal & Triquet, & connuë de Messrs. Majendie & Amiot demeure chez Mr. Blanchard at a Haberdasher vix-à-vis York Buildings dans le Strand [at side:] admise dans les petites maisons en attendant le 13 Juin 1767".

RI(2): No. 109.

BLANCHARD, Anne (2), née Arnodin. Inmate.

e. April 15, 1780 (L: April 20). B/A "a Monsr. Malliet". d. Aug-31, 1780.

RA: April 8, 1780 "Blanchard Anne, Fille de Jacques Arnodin de Saintonge, Protestante refugiée agee de 76 Ans - son grand age et sa Foiblesse font mis hors d'Etat de s'aider, et l'oblige à garder presque toujours le Lit; Elle n'a qu'une Pension modique du Comité pour son soutien Le Cas certifié par Messrs. Pierre Meure Jean Girard [at side:] Admise le 15 Avril 1780".

RI(2): No 471

BLANCHARD (BLANCHART), Catherine. Inmate.

e. Dec.29, 1744 (L: Jan.5, 1744/45). B/A "a Mr. Guinand". d. March 3, 1745/46.

RA: July 7, 1744 "Blanchart - Catherine de l'Isle de Retz 73 ans ayant perdu un Oeil, a une descente, & est remplie de douleurs n'ayant rien au monde de quoy vivre, Elle demeure a Chelsea - [at side:] admis a l'assistance le 7 Juillet 1744 [ad]mise dans la Maison 29. Xbre 1744". [She received monthly external assistance from July 7 to Dec.l, 1744].

FA: March. 3, 1745/46 "Cath: Blanchard Coffin &c Wool Shroud 15s.4d.".

RI(1): "Blanchard Catherine".

BLANCHARD, Elizabeth. Applicant.

RA Coqueau: June 25, 1796 "Blanchard - Elizh 51 Ans petite fille d'Abraham Blanchard de Caen en Normandie qu'elle a perdu la Vue d'un Oeil & qu'elle na pas les moiens de subsister Signé & Certifié Mary Malliet Lewis Gilles Chars de Guiffardiere Min. P. Gaugain Jean Vincent".


e. Aug.l, 1741 (L: Sept.4, 1741). O/A Feb.13, 1741/42. d. June 20, 1746.

J: Aug.1, 1741 "On a donne des billets pr. entrer dans la maison aux 4 personnes suivantes

 - a Isaac Blanchart..."; Aug.8, 1741 "Isaac Blanchart n'ayant pas pû entrer dans la maison manque de place, il aura la préference a la premiere place vacante".

RA: Aug.1, 1741 "Blanchard - Isaac de Guyenne 64 Ans il a une descente ui 1'Empeche de gagner Sa Vie it s'est presenté Certifié p[ar] Mr Demidis - connu de Mr. Bernege [demeure?] dans Soho Pinton[?] Street - [at side:] donné billet le 1 Aoust 1741".

FA: June 20, 1746 "Isaac Blanchard Coffin 5s. No Shroud - Parish Dues &c. 9s.4d. Total 1s.4d."

RI(1): "Blanchard Isaac".

BLANCHARD, Jacob. Inmate.

e. Feb.18, 1792. B/A "à lui même". d. Sept.13, 1803.

RA: Feb.18, 1792 "Blanchard Jacob de Canterbury, petit fils de Jean Blanchard de Calais Le Suppliant agée de 69 Ans est foible & ne peut plus gagner Sa Vie Le Cas certifié & Recommandé par Pierre Godier [at side:] Admis le meme Jour".

FA: Sept.17, 1803 "Burial of Jacob Blanchard Black coffin, crape Shroud 11 - Dues Searchers & Bearers 15 - [Total] £1.6.0".

RI(2): No.802.

BLANCHARD, Jacques. Applicant.

LA: [undated] "La très humble requête de Jacques Blanchard Représente très respectuesement Que votre suppliant est agé de cinquante quatre ans petit fils d'Abraham Blanchard natif de Normandie, protestant refugié; que vôtre suppliant est affligé de mauvaise vue, et depuis quelquetems a eu une attaque de Paralysie, et dautres infirmités au point a le rendre incapable de pourvoir à s[ubs]istance; vôtre suppliant vous vouloir l'admettre dans le susdit hôpital...Nous les soussignés certifions que le contenu de cette requête est conforme à la verité, et nous recommandons le Suppliant à la bonté des Messieurs [signed] Alex. Sterky Pastr. John Pomier Jean Vincent Peter Benezech P J Gaugain P Gaugain Osmond Gilles Frans Hervé Seguin Henry Jackson M.D. Lewis Gilles [the last nine bracketed as:] anciens de 1'Eglise des Grecs [at side:] £8.8.- du Committé 5s/ par mois de l'eglise des Grecs".

RA: Sept.12, 1795 [abstract of LA, adding:] "demeure Nº11 New Compton Street [at side:] Mort".

BLANCHARD, Jean. Inmate.

e. Jan.8, 1742/43 (L: Jan. 12). d. April 8, 1743.

RA: Nov.27, 1742 "Blanchard - Jean de Guyenne 66 ans Etant au lit malade de fievre & les Jambes oedemateuses hors d'Etat de gagner Sa Vie connu de Mr. Bernege certifié de Mr. Jaquin Chirurgien [at side:] admis dans la maison le 8 Janer. 1742/3".

FA: April 8, 1743 "Jnº. Blanchard Coffin 5s. No Shroud - Parish Dues &c. 9s.4d. Total 14s.4d.".

RI(1): "Blanchard Jean, Soho".

BLANCHARD, Louis. Inmate.

e. Feb.17, 1738/39 (L: Feb.19). d. March 6, 1738/39.

J: Feb.17, 1738/39 "Donné billet a Louis Blanchard, Spittlefields..." [N.B. he is no. 37 in the 1738-40 "Liste, Departement De Londres & Spitelfeilds"].


BLANCHARD D'ORON, Victoria Susanne Louise D'Aubigné. Inmate.

e. April 2, 1892. d. June 23, 1901; bur. Ilford Cemetery Burial Ground by the Hospital.

M: July 11, 1891 "Mademoiselle Victoria ..Blanchard d'Oron...a French Protestant Governess.

...attended with a petition for admission to the Hospital. She was unable to obtain from France the certificates of her parents marriage and her own baptism but her French descent and Protestantism were vouched for by Pastor du Pontet de la Harpe, who also with others testified to her high character and her present need..."; Dec.3, 1898 "Mr. Waterlow kindly undertook to communicate with the Duchess of Albany as the Madame Blanchard's condition of mind and health, with a view to providing for her accommodation outside the Hospital"; Jan. 14, 1899 "The Visite de la Maison was made by Messrs. P.M. Pittar and H.C.S. Dumas...They had made enquiries as to Madlle. Blanchard's condition, and it did not appear that she was any great annoyance to her fellow Inmates ... The Secretary read a letter from Mr. E.L. Waterlow who had communicated with Sir Robert Collins, Comptroller to the Duchess of Albany, as to assistance towards keeping Mme. Blanchard outside the Hospital. Sir R. Collins stated that the Duchess of Albany could do nothing further for Mme. Blanchard, but he sent the address of Baron von Hadeln who had recommended Madlle. Blanchard to the Duchess, and the Secretary was requested to communicate with him". [No further record].

P: June 4, 1891, regd. July 11, Class A. (a) i. Madlle. Victoria Susanne Louise D'Aubigne Blanchard D'Oron, at Mrs. Maydon, Church Street, par. Esher, Surrey; Spinster, Daughter of Baron D'Aubigné Blanchard D'Oron of Oron, Canton de Vaud, Switzerland, and Jeanne née Lendre; ii. Dec.29, 1829, Nismes, France; iii. On Father's side; iv. formerly Governess in a German family, then kept a School with another lady at Lubeck, then set up a school at Tunbridge Wells, which proved a failure, then gave lessons in Bath, and finally came to Esher to try for pupils there - now giving lessons in French; v. advanced age and the difficulty of obtaining pupils; vi. S. Blanchard; vii. R.H. Collins. (b) i. J. Du Pontet de La Harpe, Pasteur, French Ref. E. Ch. Bayswater, R.H. Collins, Comptroller to the Duchess of Albany. (f) Enclosures: (1) Letter July 7, 1891 from J. Du Pontet de La Harpe to Mr. Browning in support of petitioner; (2) Letter Nov.8, 1898 from same to Sec., F.H.; (3) Letter Jan.6, 1899 from Edgar L. Waterlow to Mr. Dibdin (see M: Jan.14, 1899 above).

RI(2): No 1541.

BLANCHART, Catherine See BLANCHARD, Catherine



[Marie Anne Pretrel, wife of Jean Baptiste I.]



[cf. Henry Le Bachelier, husband of Martha Orange.

Esther is possibly his sister.]


e. Dec.22, 1750 (L: Dec.24).  B/A "a Monsr. Jourdain".       d. Sept.30, 1762.

RA: Dec.1, 1750 "Le Bachelier - Ester fille de Jean Jacqs. Le Bachelier Agée de 22 ans Aliennée d'Esprit recommandée par Mr. Jourdain Certifie par Mr. De Medis [at side:] admise dans la maison Le 24 Xbre pr Les petite maison".

O/I: (a) John James Le Bachelier and James Ouvry of Christ Church Middlesex; (b) Dec.28, 1750, 24 Geo.II; (c) Esther Le Bachelier; (d) Joen James le Bachellé Jaques Ouvry Junr [no seals]; (e) John Maze John De Gron.

FA: Oct.2, 1762 "Esther Lebachlier Coffin, wool shroud, 15s.4d.".


LE BACHELLIER, Family of See PLESTER, Samuel

PLESTER, Florence Beatrice. Applicant.

P: Oct.4, 1935, regd. Oct.5, Class C. (a) i. Florence Beatrice Plester, 33 High Street, Weybridge, Surrey, Daughter of Thomas Plester and Edith Plester; ii. Sept.21,1873, Peckham; iii. On Father's side, Great Grandfather, Samuel Plester Uncle; iv. formerly attendant to an invalid now no income; v. death of invalid; vi. Florence Beatrice Plester; vii. Edwd Cocks. (b) ii. E.A. Home, Rector of Esher. (f) Enclosures: (1) Undated letter from petitioner saying she has applied to Somerset House for her birth certificate; (2) Second undated letter from same asking is any chance of an outgift, endorsed "Ansd.3 Feb 37 ... Still awaiting Birth Certificate".

PLESTER, Frederick Samuel. Inmate.

e. April 1, 1922. d. June 12, 1924; bur. "Hospital Burial Gd. at Ilford Cemetery, partly by his family".

P: March 30, 1922, regd. April 1, Class C. (a) i. Frederick Samuel Plester, 115a/B(?) Blackfriars Rd., S.E. par. Southwark, Son of Samuel Plester, French Hospital, and Mary Plester (formerly Kale); ii. Aug.22, 1852, Aske St. Hoxton; iii. On Father's side who was an Inmate of the French Hospital; iv. formerly Watch & Clock Makers Assistant (13 years) Insurance Agent & Collector (20 yrs) now no support; v. Unemployment; vi. Frederick Samuel Plester; vii. P.J. Barnett. (b) ii. W.P. Sansom, (Major) Salvation Army. (f) Enclosures: (1) Application for search, Somerset House, made out by F.S. Plester, showing Index details "1852. Sep. Shoreditch, Volume 1C, page 169"; (2) Certificate from undertakers Hayes & English, undated "We had the arrangement for the funeral of the late Emily Plester who died April 7, 1905 & was buried at Chingford Mount Cemetery".

RIM: No. 1690.

PLESTER, Samuel. Inmate.

e. Aug.5, 1899. d. May 10, 1907; bur. "Hospital Burial Ground Ilford Cemetery by the Hospital".

P: June 10, 1899 regd. July 1, Class B. (a) i. Samuel Plester, 149 Columbia Sq., Hackney Rd. par. Bethnal Green, Widower, Son of William Plester of 23 Fashion St. Spitalfields and Sarah Plester late of Brewers Almshouses Stepney; ii. Jan.11, 1820, 23 Fashion St. Spitalfields; iii. On Mother's side who was daughter of Joseph & Mary Nelmes the latter being the daughter of Aaron Hellot - the applicant's Great Grandfather who died in the French Hospital Bath St. [at side: Petitioner also descended from the Huguenots through his father's Mother Mary le Bachellier]; iv. formerly and now supported by irregular work as an iron casement maker (Master man of the above small business); v. failure of business coupled with old age; vi. Samuel Plester; vii. Alfred Bond. (b) ii. W. Cuff, Baptist Minister. (f) Enclosures:

(1) Certified extract Births Register, Dr. Williams's Library. Redcross-Street near Cripplegate, Dec.1, 1801 "William Plester Son of Samuel Plester and Mary his Wife, was Daughter of Henry and Ann Le Bachelle, was born in William Street in the Parish of St. Leonard Shoreditch, August 3, 1793"; (2) Certified extract April 10, 1824, Marriage Register, St. Dunstan Stepney, July 21, 1816 "William Plester of this Parish Bachelor and Sarah Nelms of this Parish Spinster"; (3) Certified extract Dec.12, 1820, Births Register, Dr. Williams's Library, "Samuel Plester Son of William Plester and Sarah his Wife who was Daughter of Joseph & Mary Nelms was Born in Fashion Street in the Parish of Christ Church Spittlefields January 11th 1820"; (4) Marriage certificate, St. Leonard Shoreditch, Jan.20, 1850 "Samuel Plester Bachelor, Metal Sash Maker, 68 Curtain Road, (father) William Plester, Carpenter, [and] Mary Kale, Spinster, 68 Curtain Road, (father) George Kale, Coachman"; (5) Funeral bill "Funeral of Mrs. Mary Plester Interred at Nunhead Cemetery April 8th 1858"; (6) Indenture of apprenticeship, Sept.26, 1752 "Joseph Nelms Son of Jno. Nelms Weaver of the Parish of Christ Church Spittle Fields" to "John Cotelle of the parish afore[said] Weaver"; (7) Letter of recommendation May 29, 1899 from W.Cuff, Shoreditch Tabernacle.

RI(2): No. 1568.

PLESTER, WIlliam. Inmate.

e. Sept.6, 1902. Left: "Removed to Homerton Infirmary being of unsound mind, 23rd August 1904" (thence to Fisherton House Asylum, Salisbury).

P: Aug.13, 1900, regd. Sept.6. (a) i. William Plester, 99 Shepherdess Walk, City Rd., par. St.Leonard Shoreditch, Widower, Son of William Plester 75 Brittania St City Rd N and Jane Plester; ii. June 17, 1842, 9 Bevenden St. Hoxton; iii. On Mother's side, whose father was William Gramalt. His father's brother, Samuel Plester, inmate at present time; iv. formerly a casement maker - earned 36/- a week, now supported by charity of Friends; v. bad trade & advancing years; vi. William Plester; vii. W.T. Coggan. (b) ii. Arthur Wood, Wes. Methodist Minister. (f) Enclosures: (1) Letter Jan.22, 1947 from F.H. Plester asking for "my late Father's papers", attached to (2) Receipt Jan.27, 1947 "Received from the French Hospital following document: Birth Certificate of William Plester [signed] F H Plester"; (3) Memorial card "Louisa, the wife of Samuel Plester who departed this life August 13th 1899 aged 58 y Interred at Chingford Mount Cemetery"; (4) Undertaker's receipt for same.

RI(2): No. 1589


[cf. Daniel Rochecorne/Hanchecorne, husband of Ann Orange.]

GRAIN, Marie, née Hauchecorne.     Inmate.

e. April 14, 1787 (L: April 17). B/A "à Mr. LeSouef". d. March 4, 1788.

RA March 3, 1787 "Grain Marie Veuve de Jean Grain & fille de Pierre Hauchecorne de Bolbec en Normandie agée de 57 Ans accablée d'infirmités et incapable de gagner sa Vie Le Cas certifié & recommandée par Messrs. Fr. Gautarel Mine. Jean LeSouef Michel Le Tailleur Louis Briault [at side :] Admise dans une Cabine 13me.Avril 1787".

FA: March 4, 1788 "funeral of Mary Grain 17.10".

RI(2): No. 665.


[Marie Coquart, mother of Daniel Hauchecorne.]

COQUARD, Mary See RIPPIN, Mary, née.Coquard

COQUARD, Quentin. Inmate.

e. May 5, 1810 (L: May 10). B/A "a lui même". d. April 1, 1814.

RA: Feb-3, 1810 "Coquard Quentin agé de 72 Ans Natif de Miolain, refugié dans ce pays depuis Quarante neuf ans, Membre de l'Eglise de St. Jean certifié par J.L. Chirol, Pasteur, Pierre Levesque, Pierre Boullen, anciens [at side:] Admis 5 May 1810".

RI(2): No.1011.

See also RIPPIN, Mary, née Coquard

RIPPIN (RIPIN, RIPPON), Mary, née Coquard. Coqueau recipient.

e. Nov. 4, 1865. d. Sept. 26, 1887.

P (Coqueau) [MS]: "The humble Petition of Mary Ripin of Nº20 Half Nichols Street Bethnal Green Widow aged 50 years Sheweth That your Petitioner is the Grandaughter of Quentin Coquard a Native of Poitou in France who died in your Hospital about the year 1814. That you Petitioner has 2 children both Girls one 11 & The other 13 years of age dependant upon her. That your Petitioner therefore most humbly solicits the Governors ... [signed] Mary Rippin. [Recommended by] William Cluff, James Massingham, Mary Ann Potten [and 15 others]".          Enclosures: (1) Letter Oct. 22, 1887 from J.W. Callow, 9 Maverton Rd. Old Ford, asking for "...the Marriage Certificate and any other papers belonging to Mrs. Mary Rippin...her daughter (Mrs. Callow) is anxious to have the said documents..."; (2) Receipt Nov. 10, 1887 "Received... the marriage Certificate of John Rippin and Mary Coquard - St. Anne Limehouse - 24 August 1823 also the bill ... for the funeral of the above John Rippin - Bill dated 26 June 1844 [signed] James William Callow"; (3) Memo. listing some of the signatories to the petition and noting Mrs. Rippin's new address as 9 Turk St., Tyssen St., Bethnal Green.

RA Coqueau: Aug. 18, 1853 [abstract of P, endorsed "On election found to have removed to No 11 Stainsbury Street Rayston Street - Bonners Lane - Bethnal Green"].

Not Orange-Related


LAMBSON, Jane See HADLEY, Jane, née Lambson, formerly Mrs.Bartier

LAMECHAIN, Catherine, née Homeville. Inmate.

e. Aug.7, 1784 (L: Aug.16). B/A "à Mr.André".        d. July 10, 1795.

RA: May 31, 1783 "Lamechain Catherine, fille de feu Charles Homeville [i.e. Hoinville?]

de Boslebec en haute Normandie protestant refugié Veuve de feu Jaques Lamechain Protestant refugié tres foible ce qui L'Empeche de pouvoir Vaquer a ses besoins le cas Certifié par Judith Delaware agée de 61 Ans Bethnal Green near the Turnpike [at side:] admise le 7 d'Aout 1784".

RI(2): No.597.

See also HADLEY, Jane; THOMPSON, Catherine

HADLEY, Jane, née Lambson, formerly Mrs. Bartier. Inmate.

e. May 7, 1859. d. May 13, 1872; bur. Ilford Cemetery "by the Hospital".

P: May 2, 1857,regd. Class A. (a) i. Jane Hadley Widow, 17 East Street, London Road, Southwark, par. St. George's, with her Son Wm. Bartier, Daughter of Levi Lambson late of Swan Street Bethnal Green, and Ann Hicks; ii. April 16, 1780, Swan Street, Bethnal Green; iii. On Father's side whose Mother (Catherine Lambson [i.e. Catherine Lamechain, No. 597, q.v.]) Died in the French Hospital; iv. Silk Winder, now supported by her Son; v. Age & increasing Infirmities; vi. Jan Hadley + her mark ; vii. Richard Juby. (b) ii. W.H. Buck, Chaplain to the Queen's Prison, Southwark. (f) The Petitioner's Father Levi Lambson is stated as the Son of Catherine Lambson...the name of Lambson (so spelt) will not be found but is supposed to have been anglicised from Lamechain, see No.597 Catherine Lamechain... the Petitioner stating circumstances from recollection which corroborate that this was her Grandmother & at her decease was in her 15th year [i.e. the Petitioner]. Enclosures: (1) Certified extract April 27, 1857, Baptism Register, St. Matthew Bethnal Green, 1780 "Jane Dr. of Levi & Ann Lambson Weaver - Born 16 April 1780 Baptized the same day"; (2) Marriage certificate, St. Dunstan Stepney, Aug 8, 1808 "William Bartier of this Parish and Hamlet of Ratcliff batchelor and Jane Lambson of the same, spinster"; (3) Certified extract April 29, 1857, Marriage Register, St. Dunstan Stepney, 1818 "John Hadley of this Parish and Hamlet of M E N T Bachelor and Jane Bartier of this Parish and same Hamlet - Widow [Married] April 7"; (4) Funeral bill to Mrs. Hadley, "Augt 19", no year, name or any other details stated.

RA: May 2, 1857 Abstract of P].

RI(2): No.1320.

THOMPSON, Catherine, née Butters.           Inmate.

e. Sept.2, 1865. d. Nov.15, 1865; bur. "at Ilford by her friends".

P: Jan.4, 1864, regd. Jan.9, Class A.(a) i. Catherine Thompson (Widow), 9 West Street, North Street, par. St. Mathew Bethnal Green, Daughter of James Butters, No15 Curtain Road, Shoreditch; ii. March 15, 1791, Shacclewell Street, Bethnal Green; iii. On Mother's side, who was the Daughter of Levi Lambson & Catherine Lambson his wife the said Catherine Lambson [note at side: query Lamechain see endorse on Inmate No1320 Jane Hadley's Petition] Died in the French Hospital.   Petitioner is also first Cousin to Jane Hadley now an Inmate...; iv. Weaveress, now supported by her daughter;. v. Indigent old age; vi. Catherine X [her mark] Thompson; vii. William Bartier. (b) ii. J.D. MacGachen, Incumbent St. Bartholomew B.G. (f) Enclosures: (1) Certified extract Jan.4, 1864, Marriage Register, St. Anne Limehouse, Dec.25, 1785 "James Butters of this Parish a Batchelor and Catherine Lambson of this Parish a Spinster"; (2) Certified extract Dec.18, 1863, Baptism Register, St. Matthew Bethnal Green, 1791 "Catherine Dr. of James & Catherine

Butters (Weaver) born 15 March" [no date of baptism]; (3) Marriage certificate, St. Matthew Bethnal Green, Oct.5, 1809 "Lewis Thompson of this Parish Bachelor and Catherine Butters of the same Spinster"; (4-5) Funeral bills Dec.19 & 21, 1863, for the funeral of Lewis Thompson aged 76 years, at the City of London Cemetery, Little Ilford, Essex.

RA: Jan.9, 1864 [abstract of P].

RI(2): No.1357.

See alsoTHOMPSON, Matilda Abigail

THOMPSON, Matilda Abigail.         Applicant.

P: July 19, 1932, regd. July 23, Class C. (a) i. Matilda Abigail Thompson, 5 Verulam Place, Bournemouth, Hants, Spinster, Daughter of William Henry Thompson, 65 Ballance Rd. Homerton, E. and Matilda Abigail Thompson; ii. Dec.26, 1867, 4 Gloucester St., Cambridge Heath, London; iii. On Father's side who was a Grandson of Mrs. Catherine Thompson who was a Inmate at French Hospital a little over Two Months in 1865; iv. formerly [at] Criterion Hotel Bournemouth as [word illegible] Clark, now Self employed, only income a Few Pounds in Post Office; v. Unemployment and Age; vi. Matilda Abigail Thompson; vii. Jessie Brewster. (b) ii. Horace Smith, Chaplain, Royal National Sanatorium. (f) Statement I... have been unable to obtain the Birth Certificate of my Grand Father who was Born I think Sometime between 1818-1820 but do not know where May have been Bethnal Green Hackney City or Stepney Green [signed] Matilda A. Thompson. Enclosures: (1) Marriage certificate, Hackney Parish Church, Jan.27, 1842 "William Thompson, Bachelor, Musician, Hackney Grove, (father) Lewis Thompson, Silk Weaver, [and] Rebecca Sarah Woodcock, Spinster, Lamb Lane, (father) William Woodcock, Silk Weaver"; (2) Certified extract June 29, 1932, Register of Births, Sub-District of St. Matthew Bethnal Green "Born 29th November 1842 at 14 Winchester Street, William Henry [of] William Thompson, Rebecca Sarah Thompson formerly Woodcock; Weaver"; (3) Certified extract June 29, 1932, Marriage Register, St. Georges East, Middlesex, March 16, 1867 "William Henry Thompson, 24, Bachelor, Chair Manufacturer, Christ Church District, (father) William Thompson, Carpenter, [and] Matilda Abigail Searls, 17, Spinster, Christ Church District, (father) Edward Searls, Messenger"; (4) Certified extract Feb.23, 1928, Register of Births, Hackney Road Sub-district, Bethnal Green "Born 26th December 1867, 4 Gloucester Street, Matilda Abigail [of] William Henry Thompson, Matilda Abigail Thompson formerly Searls; Chair Maker"; (5) Sheet inscribed "Copy. In Memory of Mr. Lewis Thompson Who died 10th Dec. 1863 Aged 76 Years...Mrs Catherine Thompson Who died 15th Novr. 1865 Aged 75 Years [both] Interred in The City of London Cemetery, Ilford"; (6) Letter June 6, 1930 from Emma Thompson to petitioner "...your great Grandmother's name was Catherine Lambson or Lamson, & she died in the French Hospital about 1865.  Her husband's name was Lewis Thompson..." [i.e.Catherine Thompson, nee Butters, q.v.].


COMMON (COMON) Françoise René See CAUMONT, François René

COMONT (COMENT), Antoine.      Inmate.

e. Dec.4, 1762 (L: Dec.6). B/A "a lui Meme". O/A Feb.25, 1764. d. July 7, 1764.

RA: March 29, 1760 "Comont - Antoine Natif de Londres Agée de 60 an est fort Infirme & affligé de Rhumatisme, & incapable de gagner sa Vie. Recommandé par Messrs. Abr. De la Neue Maison Robert Duchesne & plusieurs Autres Demeure dans Rose Street, New Cock Lane enquire at the Sign of the Black Dog [at side:] il travaille encore.un peu et gagne 6/- par Semaine 28 Mars 1761 [in another hand:] admis dans les petites Maisons en attendant le 4 Decembre 1762".

FA: July 7, 1764 "Anthy. Coment Coffin and Wool Shroud, 15s.4d.".


CAUMONT (CAUMON, COMMON, COMON), François René. Inmate.

e. April 20, 1719. d. April 26, 1721.

J: May 2, 1719 "Entree Francois René Comon, le 20 avril, Sur le Compte de Mr Pellet... a aporté 1 Vielle paire de draps de flanelle, 2 Chemises Ditto, 1 vieux habit Sur le Corps"; June 18, 1719 "il a eté donné ordre a Mr Nissolle de donner a.. .René Caumont les Hardes dont it a besoin a Laplace desquelles Mr. Nissolle demeurera chargé d'un Surtout & d'un Justaucorps ql. a quitté".

TA: June 30, 1721 " - Pelet [pour] Comon René Mort Le 26e Avril...pour Son Enterrment 0.17.-".